About 51 countries of the world and among them 15 countries of Asia have taken their Population and Housing Census this year. By the situation of October 01, 2010, over 34 percent or 2.37 billion people of the world population are already counted.
The United States of America, Russian Federation and other countries have organized the census in this year, whereas the People’s Republic of China and Republic of Korea have started their Population Census on November 01, 2010.
Mongolia will run its Population and Housing Census during November 11-17, 2010. In accordance with Article 10.1.2 of the Population and Housing Census of Mongolia, foreign citizens and stateless persons who are residing in Mongolia for more than 183 days and/or have taken the permission to reside in Mongolia for over 6 months must participate in the Population and Housing Census of Mongolia.
Moreover, in accordance with Article 17 of the Population and Housing Census Law, the above mentioned individuals have responsibilities to cooperate and allow enumerators to enter their apartments and houses; to answer completely and frankly the census questionnaire and to obtain a document certifying that the person have participated in the census.

Make sure you get enumerated

State Committee of the Population and Housing Census

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