Mongolian ruling party changed its name; restored original name

Mongolian oldest political party “Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party” changed into name into "Mongolian People's Party late Friday. The party started its 26th Congress yesterday. Total 800 representatives from the party cells all over Mongolia has arrived in Ulaanbaatar to participate in 3 days party congress. The party is held every 4 years. Prime Minister of Mongolia and chairman of the party, Batbold Sukhbaatar said " today, we have made a historic decision to restore original name of our party. Our party has been at forefront of Mongolian social changes since its founding. Those times demanded revolutionary method to shake and develop Mongolia. However, today situation has changed. Our time requires harmonious approach rather than revolution and confrontation, scientific and pragmatic approach rather than emotional approach. Name of our party should align with our approach". He also said at the congress “ We have to admit that during last 20 years, we have not made substantial progress in improving living standard of Mongolian people. Poverty, unemployment has become biggest headache of Mongolia. Currently, 2 or 3% of Mongolian population are wealthy and 60% living with average income and 38% live poor. For the last 20 years, we spoke about social reform and programs and worked hard. However, we did not reach expected goal. Life of Mongolian people did not improve. According to statistics, as of 2009, 38.7% of Mongolian people living poor. During last 20 year’s transition from centrally planned economy to market economy, inequality between rich and poor has increased. There is threat that this inequality will increase in future. Goal of our party is to build harmonious society with large middle class rather than a society with wide inequality between rich and poor. “ He added “Our party should be left-centrist party with social democratic views that actively conducts social welfare policy. If our party is reformed, Mongolia will develop further. “ Out of 800 representatives, 6 voted against name change including Enkhbayar Nambar, influential member of the party and former president and prime minister of Mongolia.

The congress is also discussing ideology of the party. The MPRP was founded as the "Mongolian People's Party" in 1921. The word "Revolutionary" was added to the name under the influence of Soviet advisors in 1925. Congress representatives also to vote on party chairman. Currently, Prime Minister of Mongolia, Batbold Sukhbaatar is the chairman of the party. Enkhtuvshin Olziisaikhan, lawmaker of the party said he will run as candidate for the party chief's position. The congress representatives expected to vote on party chief later this evening. If Party chief changes, it means Batbold Sukhbaatar have to quit as Prime Minister. According to the party rule, party chairman has to be prime minister when the party is majority in the parliament.
The MPRP holds 46 seats in the 76-seat Mongolian parliament known as the State Great Khural. The other major party, the Mongolian Democratic Party, holds 27 seats.
The current Mongolian government is a coalition government of the MPRP and the MDP or Mongolian Democratic Party.

By Byambajargal, reporter of

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