Mongolians gather in South Korea


‘Undesnii shuudan’ (the National Post) newspaper in its November 9, 2010 issue published an article about a gathering that took place in the South Korean city of Kwanju to commemorate the 49th day of the death of a Mongolian girl named Gantsetseg who, whilst defending her girl-friend, was brutally killed by her friend’s Korean husband. It is believed that this example will be significant for both the Mongolians and Koreans.
According to the article, the gathering had been organized by the Union of Mongolian Students from Jolla Province, the Mongolian Women’s Union in Naju, and was attended by more than 70 people, including: Mongolian’s studying there; Mongolian women married to Koreans; teachers and students from the Jonnam University. The move has really been appreciated by these Mongolians living in an alien country who see it as a demonstration of the courage needed to organize such a large gathering in memory of a Mongolian girl who courageously fought in her friend’s defense.
“Have there been any other cases of Mongolians displaying such courage to save one another’s lives under similar circumstances?” one would like to ask.
Organized by Mongolians living and studying in Korea, this gathering was held according to Korean rules and regulations and was supported and respected by the people of that country; as was evidenced by the police’s permission and protection, and by attendance and prayers offered by Kwanju Jonnam Religious Society
A detailed statement about the Late Gantsetseg’s case was broadcast to the public by cars equipped with loud-speakers, as well as by newsletters and information being prepared for distribution to those gathered, showing that this action was undertaken for a special purpose. It could be said that, in addition to this, the Mongolians have demonstrated their ability to be wellorganized and politically correct. It is public knowledge that the reputation of Mongolians working and living in that country for more than ten years has not been so good.
The gathering dispersed with Gantsetseg’s sister, five representatives from the Mongolian Student’s Union in Jolla Province and the Mongolian Women’s Union in Naju handing to Kwanju city’s Supreme Court a “Statement demanding that Korean society respect the rights of foreign women,” together with the red ribbons
the participants had been carrying.
News of this demonstration was broadcast nationwide on Korea’s MBC and KBS channels and published by the local press; it has been reminder to Korean society not to allow such regrettable misfortunes to occur again; to respect foreign citizens’ rights,and to improve the general public’s consciousness and respect in regard to foreigners in their country. “This was the commemorative gathering’s purpose,” the publication points out.
The action’s aims were: firstly, to remember the Late Gantsetseg’s on the 49th day of her death; secondly, to guarantee the human rights of foreign girls married to Koreans; and, thirdly, to improve Korean society’s consciousness in regard to foreign girls and women. Participants in the gathering also urged Kwanju city’s Supreme Court to resolve Gantsetseg’s case in a just and fair manner. They also demanded respect for the human and civil rights of foreign girls married to Koreans; their rights to live happily with regard to their culture and language.
The publication stresses that this gathering in respect of Gantsetseg’s death has succeeded in: getting Koreans to understand and respect the rights of Mongolian girls who are Korean citizens’ wives; drawing Korean society’s attention to this problem; and has also encouraged Mongolians to be closer together in this foreign country.
The story of Gantsetseg, who had lived and worked in her native country but had met and fallen in love with a Korean man and was happy with her life, will remain in the minds of thousands of Mongolian girls living with foreigners in foreign countries.
In Mongolian society’s hearts Be Gantsetseg’s life was valuable and we wish to hear from the Mongolian State in regard to this girl whose life was lost defending a fellow Mongolian in an alien country”, the article points out.

source: The Mongol Messenger newspaper

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