Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Mr. Hami Aksoy in response to a question regarding news about FETÖ structures in Mongolia

FETÖ terrorist organization has a large presence in Mongolia, posing a danger to the Mongolian national security, as well. We have conveyed our serious concerns and expectations to the Mongolian authorities concerning this issue, time and again.
We rightfully expect that FETÖ members be brought to justice. Yet, it is up to the Mongolian government to decide on the course of action against FETÖ in Mongolia. Turkey never interferes with the internal security measures of other countries.
Therefore, we are deeply resentful that the developments on Friday in Mongolia were presented as an abduction operation. Such allegations are totally unfounded and therefore we reject them.
The Ambassador of Mongolia in Ankara was summoned to the Ministry on Friday, informed about these facts and the handling of the case by the Mongolian authorities has been strongly protested.
The recent smearing campaign conducted by FETÖ in Mongolia should be a wake up call for our Mongolian friends, demonstrating their capacity to fabricate lies, and to manipulate and influence the public.
We expect Mongolian authorities to take the necessary steps against this terrorist structure and its extensions in Mongolia.

Source:Turkish Foreign Ministry

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