Fifth US-Mongolia Business Forum at AG CONNECT a Success

The Fifth U.S.-Mongolia Business Forum took place simultaneously with the AG CONNECT Expo yesterday with several dozen delegates from Mongolia meeting with delegates from the United States to discuss how the two countries can better work together. A goal as delivered by the various speakers, is to see more U.S. companies investing in Mongolia.
The Mongolian delegation is one of 20 that arrived in Orlando this week, and the largest, with 16 of these being organized by the Department of Commerce.

During the opening remarks, in a letter from Kh. Bekhbat, the Ambassador of Mongolia to the United States, read by Zhen Gong Cross, the Head of Mongolian Affairs with the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bekhbat noted that Mongoia is a mineral rich economy that is now seeing foreign investors. The increased funds are being used to provide jobs, educational funds and health care.
Not only would the country like to see more investments in the mineral side, it has also created a new shared stock company that would share in the country’s mining industry, but they would also like to see investments and participation in the agriculture industry. “Agriculture is an important part of the economy,” wrote Bekhbat.

The Mongolian delegates plan to meet with various companies to dicusss agricultural opportunities and investments during the AG CONNECT Expo. The group has prioritized its greatest needs and prepared a detailed list of projects in which they seek global investors.

By Joanna

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