Mongolia Might Store Foreign Spent Nuclear Fuel, Senior U.S. Official Says

By Elaine M. Grossman Global Security Newswire WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration has held informal talks with Mongolia about the possibility that the Central Asian nation might host an international repository for its region's spent nuclear fuel, a senior U.S. diplomat said yesterday (see GSN, March 9, 2010). U.S. Energy Department officials...

Xanadu buys Mongolian copper prospect

Exploration minnow Xanadu Mines Ltd says it has acquired the Mogoin Gol copper prospect, covering 488 square kilometres, in northern Mongolia. The Mogoin Gol project is 40km northwest of the producing Erdenet deposit, which produces 530,000 tonnes per annum of copper concentrate and delivers it into Russia and China via the Trans Mongolian railway. "Following...

Mongolia Growth Group Ltd. Publishes March 2011 Monthly Letter to Shareholders

(via COMTEX News Network)-- Mongolia Growth Group Ltd. (YAK - CNSX),is pleased to announce the release of its March 2011 letter to shareholders. March 2011 Shareholder Letter To The Shareholders Of Mongolia Growth Group Ltd., Jordan and I recently spent three weeks in Mongolia setting up infrastructure, investigating opportunities, and negotiating...

Ivanhoe says Oyu Tolgoi continues to progress

TORONTO, March 28 (Reuters) - Ivanhoe Mines Ltd (IVN.TO: Quote) said on Monday that key parts of its Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold-silver project in Mongolia are currently ahead of schedule. The massive project, which Ivanhoe is being developing in partnership with Anglo-Australian miner Rio Tinto (RIO.AX: Quote) (RIO.L: Quote), is expected to begin commercial...

Steppe into the void

Nigel Richardson goes off the map to the geological freak shows and dinosaur boneyards of the southern Gobi Desert. MONGOLIANS have a word for it: zud. A zud is a winter so harsh animals cannot feed through the frost and ice encrusting the steppe. In the winter of 2009-10, Mongolia suffered its worst zud for nobody knows how long - "for decades",...

Mongolia TT mine IPO may come by yr end; rail deal signed

* IPO for Tavan Tolgoi expected by end 2011, early 2012 * Mongolia to decide on listing venue as early as June * South Korea's Lotte signs deal for connecting railway (Adds details on rail link) By Elzio Barreto HONG KONG, March 25 (Reuters) - The highly anticipated initial public offering by Mongolia's Erdenes-Tavan Tolgoi will take place at the...

Mongolian PM condemns N. Korea for its deadly attack on S. Korea

SEOUL, March 25 (Yonhap) -- Mongolian prime minister on Friday condemned North Korea for its deadly attack on a South Korean warship and vowed to make efforts to enhance peace on the divided Korean Peninsula. Tensions have been lingering on the peninsula following the North's two attacks last year, including the sinking of a South Korean warship...

Tuva man makes false claims to please Medvedev about origin of throat singing and milk vodka

Tuvan Singer Kongar Ondor said Mongolia is not original place of throat singing and milk vodka. Well, I don't know about Tuva. All i know is my grandma used to make milk vodka from cow and horse milk. It is something she learned from her mom. Milk vodka is original in Mongolia for centuries.We lack fruits and berries. All we have is milk and much...

S. Korea, Mongolia talk economic, civilian ties

Prime ministers and foreign ministers of South Korea and Mongolia held talks here Thursday, discussing how to improve their economic ties and better cooperate in easing tensions on the peninsula, the Seoul government said. Meeting with his South Korean counterpart...

Foreign ministers of S. Korea, Mongolia agree to deepen cooperation

SEOUL, March 24 (Yonhap) -- Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan met with Mongolian Foreign Minister Gombojav Zandanshatar on Thursday and agreed to deepen relations and cooperation between the two countries, the ministry said. Zandanshatar arrived in Seoul on Wednesday to accompany Prime Minister Sukhbaatar Batbold on a three-day visit at the invitation...

Mongolia revokes decision to allow leopard hunting for science

ULAN BATOR, March 23 (Xinhua) -- The Mongolian government had revoked a decision it made earlier this month to allow foreigners to hunt leopards for scientific purpose, local media reported Wednesday. Mongolian Environment and Tourism Minister L. Gansukh canceled the permission to kill four leopards for scientific purpose this year, after meeting...

Mongolia faces critical water shortfall warns UNEP report

Climate change and rapid urbanization are threatening fragile water resources in Mongolia, where more than half of the inhabitants have no access to clean water, says a report released today by the Mongolia Water Authority and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). According to the 'Urban Water Vulnerability to Climate Change in Mongolia'...

US ambassador to Mongolia visits AAF Base in Kabul

438 Air Expenditure Wing Story by Vladimir Potapenko KABUL, Afghanistan - The U.S. Ambassador to Mongolia visited the Afghan Air Force Base in Kabul, March 21, as part of his tour of Mongolian military operations in Afghanistan. As part of his visit, Ambassador Jonathan S. Addleton was presented a brief detailing the role Mongolian Air Force troops...

SouthGobi Resources Q4 loss narrows on higher coal prices

(Reuters) - Canadian coal miner SouthGobi Resources Ltd posted a narrower quarterly loss, as it sold more mineral at a higher price, and said it sees further improvement in prices in the first quarter. The company, which owns the Ovoot Tolgoi Mine and two development projects in Mongolia, expects first-quarter average realized selling price per ton...

Denison Mines increases resources at Hairhan uranium deposit

Denison Mines (TSE:DML)(AMEX:DNN) announced Monday that it has signficantly increased uranium resources at its Hairhan deposit in Mongolia, part of the Gurvan Saihan joint venture. Denison holds a 70% interest in the venture, with Mongolian state-owned entity Mon-Atom holding 15%, and Russian concern Geologorazvedka holding the remainder. The joint...

Mongolia’s historical space flight

30th Anniversary of launching a Mongolian into space Montsame reporter Ya. Sukhbaatar stands between cosmonauts J.Gurragchaa and Vladimir Janibekov A Mongolian man was launched into space for the first time on March 22, 1981. Citizen of Mongolia Gurragchaa...

Amendments to be made to the Shareholders' Agreement of Oyu Tolgoi Company

At the cabinet meeting held on March 16, government members got au fait with the process of amending the Investment Agreement signed by Government of Mongolia and Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia, Inc, Ivanhoe Mines Limited, and Rio Tinto International Holdings Limited.During the period since the agreement was established, issues on cutting interest on financing...

Mongolia offers deepest condolences to Japan

On March 11, Mongolia’s President Elbegdorj Tsakhia sent a letter of condolences to the Emperor of Japan and the people of Japan. He wrote: “On behalf of the Mongolian people and myself, I extend our deepest sympathies to You, Your Imperial Majesty the King of Japan and to the people of Japan for the loss of so many lives and property due to the earthquake...

President Elbegdorj calls Burma’s pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi on the phone

Chiang Mai (Mizzima) - The president of Mongolia, the first democratic state in Central Asia, has extended his support to Burma’s pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi in a telephone call, according to the US Campaign for Burma. President Elbegdorj, who co-drafted Mongolia’s 1992 Constitution, said that Mongolia’s transition from Communism to democracy...

Australia-Mongolia Trade Relations, according to Inner Mongolian professor

Li Narangoa, an Inner Mongolian national and professor of Australian National University gave interview about Mongolia-Australia trade relations to World Politics Review Australia and Mongolia recently signed a number of agreements to increase bilateral business and educational cooperation. In an e-mail interview, Li Narangoa, a professor in the...

Wrestling 'in our blood,' says Bulldogs' Luvsandorj

Turtogtokh Luvsandorj By Jeff Hartsell Where Turtogtokh Luvsandorj comes from, wrestling goes back a long way. And we're not talking the 1980s heyday of Hulk Hogan, either. Luvsandorj, a sophomore at The Citadel who will participate...

Mongolian Coking Coal Project Attracts Global Mining and Steel Companies’ Bids

The rising cost and increasing scarcity of good coking coal supplies are pushing both mining firms and steel makers into competition with each other for the remaining resources in some pretty remote locations. Witness the fierce battle unfolding in Mongolia, where miners like Vale and Xstrata are competing head to head with steel makers like ArcelorMittal...

Iran boosts Mongolia ties

By Alicia Campi Iran has been steadily increasing its ties with Mongolia and 2010 was a year of increased Iranian overtures toward Ulaanbaatar. In another manifestation of how democratic Mongolia and Iran are looking towards substantially developing their economic ties, it was announced in early December 2010 that a new Mongolian-Iranian joint venture...

Mongolia lends helping hand to Japanese brothers and sisters

On Tuesday, March 15, in response to the Tohoku district-off the Pacific Ocean Earthquake, the Government of Japan decided to accept an emergency rescue team from Mongolia. The team is scheduled to arrive at Narita Airport on the afternoon of the same day. The rescue team is composed of 12 members from the National Emergency Management Agency of Mongolia....

Korean builders eye Mongolian rail

A consortium of 19 Korean construction companies is likely to win a 1,000 kilometer railroad construction project in Mongolia worth $3 billion. According to Lotte Engineering & Construction, the consortium, along with Korea Rail Network Authority, submitted its preliminary business plan as a part of its bid to the Mongolian representatives a week...

Opinion: Get Rich In The Land Of The Blue Sky

The story of Mongolia's resurgence is mouthwatering for investors for a very simple reason. Mongolia is rich in natural resources… and it sits next to the world's most voracious consumer of those resources, China. Beneath Mongolia's rugged mountains and slumbering sands lie huge untapped resources of copper, coal, gold, uranium, iron ore, oil and...

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