The former president of Mongolia -- one of the country's best-known politicians -- was detained Friday on corruption charges, authorities said, sparking clashes between police and supporters.
Nambaryn Enkhbayar has been charged with several misdemeanours, including mis-using television equipment donated to a monastery to set up...
Southern Mongolians Protest Land Expropriation, 22 Arrest
New York - On the afternoon of April 2, 2012, hundreds of Mongolians of Tulee Gachaa (gachaa is equivalent to village), Mingren Sum (sum is equivalent to township), Naiman Banner (banner is equivalent to county) of eastern Southern (Inner) Mongolia’s Tong Liao Municipality were met with brutal force by the local Chinese authorities.
The local Mongolians...
China targets Mongolia in SouthGobi move
Beijing (Financial Times) -- China's largest aluminium producer intends to acquire SouthGobi Resources, a Mongolia-focused coal company listed in Toronto, for up to C$925m -- the biggest investment yet by a Chinese mining company in Mongolia as China seeks to tap the vast resources of its neighbour.
Chalco, a Hong Kong-listed subsidiary of the...