1700 workers to be released from OT project

B.Ooluun, The Mongol Messenger On 12 August the Board of directors of Oyutolgoi LLC confirmed the decision of , Rio Tinto to delay the underground development of Oyu tolgoi for uncertain period. In connection with this decision the BoD also approved to release employees who work in underground development. By preliminary estimation over 1700 employees...

Mining minister discusses the economics of mineral resources “ Starting next month, the country’s economy will tend to grow “

On August 9, Mining Minister D. Gankhuyag met with journalists, exchanged views on the present situation in his sector and responded to journalists’ questions.  -How can you characterizethe present situation in mining production and sales? How are you going to compensate for holes in the 2013 budget income? -The fulfillment of the income plan...

Delays to coal production at Ovoot project in Mongolia

Energy Global reported that Australian mining firm Aspire Mining has delayed the start up of coal production from its Ovoot project in Mongolia. The company announced that it has developed a cost saving strategy that will help maximize profits and minimize costs at the metallurgical coal mine. The new plan hinges on the extension of the existing...

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