Mongolian President Makes First Visit to North Korea in Nine Years

SEOUL (Yonhap) -- Mongolian President Tsakhia Elbegdorj made a four-day visit to North Korea from Oct. 28-31 to become the first foreign head of state to visit the socialist country since the incumbent leader Kim Jong-un took control in late 2011. Elbegdorj, who was also the first Mongolian leader to visit Pyongyang in nine years, discussed with...

Mongolia signs cooperation deals with North Korea

bne October 30, 2013Mongolia signed off on a raft of cooperation agreements with North Korea on October 29. The Central Asian state eyes its reclusive neighbour as an aid to improving energy security and diversifying market reach for its growing mining output. Mongolian President Tsakhia Elbegdorj has signed several agreements including a...

Mongolia, North Korea sign economic accords

BloombergHONG KONG (Bloomberg)—North Korea and Mongolia signed a series of agreements to step up cooperation in a move that could help ease the two former Soviet allies’ economic reliance on China. The agreements were signed Monday hours after Mongolian President Tsakhia Elbegdorj arrived in Pyongyang to become the first head of state to visit since...

China’s Shenhua Agrees to Buy 1 Billion Tons of Mongolian Coal

Three companies that mine coal in Mongolia’s Tavan Tolgoi basin have agreed to export 1 billion tons of the fuel to China’s Shenhua Group Corp. in the next 20 years, said the chief executive officer of one of the suppliers. Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi JSC, Mongolia Mining Corporation (975) and Tavantolgoi JSC signed the memorandum of understanding with...

SouthGobi Resources to Announce Third Quarter 2013 Financial Results on November 11, 2013

ONG KONG, CHINA, Oct 30, 2013 (Marketwired via COMTEX) -- The board of directors of SouthGobi Resources Ltd. CA:SGQ 0.00% HK:1878 +1.54% (the "Company") will meet on Monday, November 11, 2013 to consider and approve the third quarter 2013 financial results of the Company and its subsidiaries. These financial results will be...

Seoul: Mongolian Church says 'thank you' to its Korean brothers

y Joseph Yun Li-sunMgr Wenceslao Padilla, apostolic prefect of Ulaanbaatar, visited South Korea to raise funds for Catholic schools in Mongolia. "I cannot imagine how the [Mongolian] Church would have started without the help of the Korean Church," he said. For...

Mongolia pushing for rail, pipeline links with China, Russia, official says

Oct 28 (Reuters) - Mongolia has agreed to establish a working group with China to oversee the construction of new road, rail and pipeline infrastructure connecting the two countries with Russia, a member of a Mongolian government delegation to Beijing said. The official, speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said landlocked Mongolia aimed...

Mongolian president visits N. Korea to boost ties: report

SEOUL, Oct. 28 (Yonhap) -- The Mongolian president arrived in North Korea Monday to strengthen economic, social and cultural ties, the communist country's media said. The Korean Central Television said President Tsakhia Elbegdorj's plane landed at Pyongyang's Sunan International Airport at 11:55 a.m. and was greeted by Kim Yong-nam, the president...

Mongolia Closer to Ending Dispute With Rio Tinto on Copper Mine

Mongolia and Rio Tinto Group have resolved some of the disputes that have stalled the expansion of their $6.6 billion Oyu Tolgoi copper mine, a Mongolian board member of the venture said. “Within the last 10 days we could resolve certain issues; we have reduced the state of urgency,” Davaadorj Ganbold, one of three Mongolian nationals on...

Mongolia continues to confound investors

The mining sector makes up about 20% of Mongolia’s GDP, 40% of its budget income, 85% of its investment and 90% of its exports, but the uncertainty that permeates everything from the security of mineral tenure and resource rights to the enforcement of commercial contracts has taken a big toll on foreign direct investment levels, the growth of the...

French firms eye Mongolian resources and contracts

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius is spending the weekend in Ulan Bator, in a bid to cement relationships and gain access to the country’s vast natural resources. The Mongolians are keen to reciprocate. By Ségolène ALLEMANDOU (text)   French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius led the latest foreign investment delegation...

China's top legislator meets Mongolian prime minister

China's top legislator, Zhang Dejiang met with visiting Mongolian Prime Minister NorovAltankhuyag in Beijing on Friday.Zhang, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), saidChina-Mongolia relations are currently enjoying their best time in history. He said Chinawill firmly pursue the road of peaceful development and continue to carry out a friendlypolicy toward Mongolia."This will remain inalterable forever," Zhang said.Zhang said the two economies are highly complementary. Noting that Mongolia'slegislature, the State Great Hural, has recently passed a new investment law, Zhang saidthis is good news for China-Mongolia trade, economic cooperation and Chinese companies.He said the NPC is ready to work with the State Great Hural to earnestly implement thememorandum of cooperation between the legislatures of the two countries by carrying outexchanges at all levels and strengthening the exchange of experience on legislation. He saidthe two sides should jointly create a sound legal environment for practical cooperation so asto lift inter-legislature relations to new levels.Altankhuyag said it has been the stance of Mongolia's foreign policy to expand a friendlyand neighborly relationship with China. He expressed the wish to deepen bilateralcooperation in all fields and advance the strategic partnership for sustained growth.On Friday, Altankhuyag also met with Chinese President Xi Jinping and held talks withPremier Li Keqiang.  Source:Xinhua...

French energy giant agrees to build Mongolia thermal plant

French energy giant GDF Suez on Friday signed an agreement with private Mongolian firm Newcom to build a thermal power plant in the fast-developing country, which still suffers from blackouts. This will be the fifth such plant in the resource-rich but still impoverished nation, which has huge needs for electricity and endures freezing winters. The...

Chinese president meets Mongolian PM

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Mongolian Prime Minister Noroviin Altanhuyag in Beijing on Friday and pledged to further advance the strategic partnership between the two countries.Hailing the frequent high-level interactions between the two sides, Xi said China and Mongolia respect each other's independence, sovereignty, territorial...

What does three PMs visit to China tell the world?

Edited and translated by Liang JunAt the invitation of Chinese premier Li Keqiang, Russian Prime Minister DmitryMedvedev, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, and Mongolian Prime Minister NorovAltanhuyag began their official visit to China on October 22. It is a rare event in Chinesediplomacy that three foreign leaders, all from countries sharing land borders with China,begin their visits to China on the same day.The three countries share a long borderline with China. Economic issues will top the agendaduring these visits. Although their simultaneous visits to China are part of a coordinatedeffort, there are also inevitable coincidences. First, the visit of the three indicates a continuation and acceleration of China's diplomaticstrategy. Recently, issues with China and its bordering states have become more complex. The newleadership is focused on opening up new prospects for China's diplomacy with surroundingcountries. It will continue to take "neighboring countries come first" as the guidingprinciple of its peripheral diplomacy, pursuing the foreign policy of developing good-neighborly relationships and partnerships with neighboring countries, and following apolicy of "bring harmony, security and prosperity to neighbors". In terms of diplomatic priorities, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang bothchose neighboring countries for their maiden oversea trips after taking office. In addition,Xi completed China's diplomatic schedule for 2013 as he wrapped up his Southeast Asiatour this month. It is the first time that a new Chinese premier has met his Russian counterpartimmediately after assuming office; it is also the first time since 1954 that there have beenexchange visits between the Chinese Premier and the Indian Prime Minister within oneyear; in addition, it is Mongolian Prime Minister Norov Altanhuyag's maiden visit to Chinaafter coming to power. The visit of the three PMs to China will have a major impact onmutual strategic partnerships. Second, it indicates that China's bright economic prospects are attractive to its externalpartners. China's rapid economic development has laid a solid foundation for economic tieswith its neighbors - China has now become the largest trading partner of almost all itsneighboring countries, including Russia, India and Mongolia. The long-term economicdevelopment strategy between China and its neighbors is consistent, and economic andtrade relations are complementary, not competitive.During their foreign trips, Chinese leaders put forward proposals such as the "Silk RoadEconomic Belt" and the "Marine Silk Road", which will bring enormous businessopportunities to the countries concerned. Bilateral ties between China and the three countries are at a new starting point. The PMs'visit will further tap the potential for bilateral cooperation, focusing first on promotingpragmatic cooperation in trade, investment, energy and other areas therefore pushingmore comprehensive bilateral cooperation to a new level. Third, it conforms to the modern trend of 'mutual benefit'. Historically, China has hadgrievances with Russia, Indian and Mongolia, but today they will focus on the present andlook to the future.Needless to say each country's diplomatic policy is determined in accordance with its ownnational interests, and there will be some trade-offs between the partners. Russia is sincere in developing its strategic partnership with China; its differences lie in thetrade and economic areas as well as geopolitical issues in Central Asia. India values the characteristics it shares with China as a developing country and anemerging power, but it is concerned about border issues, its trade deficit with China, andChina-Pakistan ties. Mongolia lies between China and Russia. It gives priority to the development of bilateralties with the two countries, and at the same time, it hopes that diplomatic relations with"the third neighbor" will lend additional strategic space and be of benefit to its economicinterests. Generally, China and the other three countries have chosen to seek common ground whilereserving their position on any differences. The consensus on all sides favors enhancingstrategic mutual trust and strengthening pragmatic cooperation. China's simultaneous welcome to the three PMs is a microcosm of big nation diplomacywith Chinese characteristics, and also a positive sign for future developments. The author is Hua Yiwen, expert on global issues. Source:People's...

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