Happy Naadam !!!

On July 11, 12,13, we will celebrate Naadam festival.It is a traditional Mongolian festival of archery,wrestling, horse racing... Wrestling will be held in the central stadium and archery will be held outside the central stadium in its designated area.
Horse racing will be held in a place called Hui Doloon Hudag (Seven Wells) about 40 km away from UB.
On 4th day of the holiday (14th), festival of horse trainers will be held. It is a bit relaxed version of the Naadam for horse trainers who were busy on previous days racing their horses... Our Mongolians enjoy Naadam enourmously. Origin of this holiday is very old, dating back to the times of Chinggis Khaan. Selection of July 11 is a recent thing. Supposedly on this day, Mongolian People's Troops (pro-communist forces) liberated then called Da Khuree also known as Urga or present day Ulaanbaatar in 1921 from White Guard Russians.

Naadam means Game in Mongolian. Mongolian communities from all over the world celebrate this holiday wherever they are. Howevever, I'm not sure if other ethnic Mongolians in Inner Mongolia and Russia celebrate Naadam. If anybodyy from Buriatia and Kalmykia and Inner Mongoila visiting this blog, would you let me know about it??
Tomorrow will be half working day.... I'll try to post during Naadam holiday.


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