Irregular session of the Khural started; parliamentary minority group endorsed legal amendments necessary for Oyu Tolgoi investment agreement

Irregular session of the State Great Khural started today with Speaker Demberel Damdin's speech. Speaker highlighted significance of exploitation of Oyu Tolgoi mineral deposit and said " full exploitation of the Oyu Tolgoi gold and copper deposit can boost our economy tremendously.
We understand very well that passing Oyu Tolgoi investment agreement means speedy development of Mongolia and saving time and create conditions for development of other large mineral deposits".
Fifty-six legislators were present during the opening of the session. In the afternoon, in separate meeting, Democratic Party group supported the legal amendments necessary for Oyu Tolgoi Investment Agreement. Saikhanbileg Chimed, head of the Parliamentary minority leader (Democratic party) said " our party group has made a political decision to endorse the needed legal revisions and decided to hear the revisions during full parliament session. Mongolia to gain two billion US$ more from Oyu Tolgoi mine as result of the re-negotiation.It is time to move this project now." Total of twenty-four members participated in the parliamentary minority group meeting and voted 23-1 for the legal endorsement.
Ruling Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party's parliamentary group meeting started late and as of now it is continuing.

Reporting by Ganbat, reporter of Moninfo, news and information services


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