MongolBank Governor calls major shareholders of Anod bank cheaters who have lost moral right to work in banking sector again

During parliamentary hearing on fiscal and banking policy of Government of Mongolia, Purevdorj, governor of the central bank (mongolbank) called major shareholders of Anod, a commercial bank which was seized by state regulators in December, 2008 cheaters who have no moral right to work in the banking sector again. He accused them for attempting to transfer $ 50 million US illegally out of the country and cheating central bank authorities with falsified financial reports. He ruled out any possibility of re-emergence of the bank with its former major shareholders. The major shareholders of Anod bank are Davaa, leader of the "Civic Coalition" party and Gur-Aranz, Enktur. They were detained by police since Dec, 2008 until July 2009.
According to the governor, Mongolbank is studying several offers from overseas to buy out the bank including one from a Malaysian bank.

Reporting by Ganbat, reporter of MonInfo, News Service


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