Tender and bid announcements in Mongolia: Millenium Challenge Account Mongolia announcement

Invitation for proposals consultancy services for special HASHAA plot survey
Submitted by admin on Mon, 08/10/2009 - 14:20
RFP Ref: CA/MCA-M/MCC/M&E/CS/45/2009

1. The Millennium Challenge Corporation (“MCC”) and the Government of Mongolia (the “Government”) have entered into a Millennium Challenge Compact for Millennium Challenge Account assistance (the “Compact”) to help facilitate poverty reduction through economic growth in Mongolia. The Government, acting through Millennium Challenge Account Mongolia (“MCA Entity”), intends to apply a portion of the MCC Funding to eligible payments under a contract for which the Request for Proposals (RFP) is issued. Contract payments are made from the United States Government directly, or through the MCA Entity independent Fiscal Agent. Any payments made under the proposed contract will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the Compact and related documents, including restrictions on the use of MCC funding and conditions to the disbursements of MCC funding. No party other than the Government and the MCA Entity shall derive any rights from the Compact or have any claim to the proceeds of MCC Funding.

2. The assignment of this RFP focuses specifically on the consultancy services to design and implement a survey (the Special Hashaa Plot survey) over residents of hashaa plots. The goal of the survey is to evaluate the impact of the program to assist Mongolians in registering their hashaa properties. The Special Hashaa Plot survey will collect data on an estimated 3000 to 8000 households across several hundred kheseg areas in Ulan Bator and the aimag centers of Erdenet, Darkhan and Tuv. Thus, the Contractor will bid on the base work of 3000 households as well as up to five additional option periods for surveying 1000 additional households each.

The firm will be responsible for the development and testing of the questionnaire, translation of questionnaire into Mongolian and back-translation into English, interviewer training, data collection, documentation of the data set, data entry, data cleaning, and delivery of a cleaned data set. The exact date of survey commencement depends on the timing for inputs from project activities but is expected to begin in the Winter of 2010.

Further details are in the TOR of the RFP. Interested consultants are encouraged to visit MCA Entity’s website www.mca.mn and review the Compact (under icon Governing Documents) and the other pertinent information.

3. This Invitation for Proposals follows the General Procurement Notice on UNDB online (www.devbusiness.com) on 22 June 2009 and dgMarket (www.dgmarket.com) on 18 June 2009 and in local newspaper “Udriin Sonin” on 19 June 2009.

4. The MCA Entity now invites proposals to provide the consultant services referenced above (“Proposals”). More details on these consultant services are provided in the TOR.

5. The RFP is open to all eligible entities or persons (“Consultants”) who wish to respond. Consultants may only associate with each other in the form of a joint venture or in a sub-consultancy agreement to complement their respective areas of expertise to enhance their capacity to successfully carry out the assignment and so long as any association is otherwise formed in accordance with the terms of the RFP.

6. A Consultant will be selected under the Quality and Cost-Based Selection (QCBS) procurement protocol, the evaluation procedure for which is described in sections of the RFP in accordance with “MCC Program Procurement Guidelines” which are provided on the MCC website www.mcc.gov.

7. The RFP Document includes the following Sections:
Section 1 Instructions to Consultants
Section 2 Proposal Data Sheet
Section 3 Qualification and Evaluation Criteria
Section 4A Technical Proposal Forms
Section 4B Financial Proposal Forms
Section 5 Contract Forms
Section 6 Terms of Reference

8. The consultant services, and the contract expected to be awarded, are divided into the following Phases:

This invitation seeks technical and financial proposals for one (1) base period fixed-price contract and five (5) fixed-price option period. The base period will be for the first twenty-three (23) week period; 5 option periods will cover Week 19 – Week 44 after the commencement of the Services under the contract. The base period and the option will be fully evaluated.

9. Consultants interested in obtaining the full RFP and in submitting a Proposal should register their interest by sending an e-mail, giving full contact details of the Consultant, to

Crown Agents Inc
Procurement Agent for
Millennium Challenge Account-Mongolia
Academy of Management Building- III, 3rd floor, Room 307
Orgil Complex, Chinggis Ave, Khoroo 11, Khan-Uul District.
Ulaanbaatar 210136, Mongolia

For attn: Satoshi Matoba, Procurement Agent Specialist
Tel: +976 11 70120032; Fax: +976 11 70120031.
Email: mongoliapa@crownagents.com

with CC to:
gerelbat@mca.mn, B.Gerelbat, Procurement Officer, MCA-Mongolia

10. A Pre-Proposal meeting will be held at the address shown in the preceding clause on 31 August 2009 at 10:30 hours (Ulaanbaatar time). Attendance is strongly advised for all prospective Consultants or their representatives but is not mandatory.

11. The closing time for receipt of Proposals is 17 September 2009 at 15:00 hours (Ulaanbaatar time) in Mongolia. Proposals received after this time and date shall not be considered and will be returned unopened. Consultants should be aware that distance and customs formalities may require longer than expected delivery time.

Chief Executive Officer
Millennium Challenge Account - Mongolia


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