Breaking news: Swine flu outbreak in Mongolia

Lambaa Sambuu, Minister of Health of the Government of Mongolia just announced outbreak of swine flu in Mongolia.The Minister told following to the Mongolian journalists this afternoon.

"One Mongolian woman who live and work in Japan came to Mongolia to get her son on Oct 3 and flew back to Japan on Oct 9 with her son. Immediately arriving in Japan, the two-year old son had high fever and tested positive for the swine flu. The woman contacted her family back in Mongolia and told them to seek medical attention.

Six members of the family gave tests for flu and three of them found infected with the flu. They were immediately quarantined.
They are:12 year old girl of school no.97 of Ulaanbaatar, a boy who studies in 11th grade of high school " Avyas" and his brother-in-law, a driver which works at little Tavan Tolgoi coking coal deposit in Umnugovi aimag .

Besides these three persons, there are three other persons which might have infected with the H1N1 virus. Two of them is student of the same school as sick girl and other one is child who live in same apartment building as the sick girl.

Emergency officials of Ulaanbaatar went to the school no.97 and the apartment building where the family live and made disinfectionary and sanitary measures. About 2000 children study in the school no.97 of Ulaanbaatar. It is impossible to put all these children under quarantine. Therefore, first measure is to put children who was in same class under medical observation and quarantine.Suspended attendance of 7th and 8th graders at the school. The Mongolian woman in Japan is under quaratine with her son. "

By Ganbat, reporter of MonInfo News Service


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