Update of the swine flu outbreak in Mongolia:High-State of Preparedness due to the Flu extended for another 2 weeks

According to the Ministry of Health, as of Nov 18, 17 people died due to the swine flu. Number of infection throughout Mongolia reached 1073. From this, 776 cases were registered in Ulaanbaatar and 297 cases were registered in rural aimags. From 21 rural aimags, 19 aimags have cases of the flu. Govi-Altai and Dundgovi aimags have no cases of the flu. Uvurkhangai aimag in central Mongolia is the hardest hit aimag with 48 cases of the flu.

Government of Mongolia extended high-state-preparedness for another 2 weeks. Quarantine rules were partially relaxed and Narantuul central market to open starting today. Students of grade 6-10 of high schools to start school next Monday.Pubic transports to rural aimags to be resumed after thorough disinfection. Bars and shops are still to close by 9 pm, thus effectively killing any social events.

Ganbat, reporter of MonInfo News Service

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1 comment:

  1. If you see planes flying over UB that look like this:
    run inside as fast as you can.
    Over 1.3 million Ukrainians have pneumonic plague after these were seen over Ukraine and now Poland:
    Keep in mind that this swine flu is 10 times milder than season flu every year. Know that mercury is in the vaccine. Mercury is highly toxic for the brain. Don't let somebody bully you into taking the vaccine. A Washington Redskins football cheerleader took the vaccine and had symptoms of paralysis.


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