President Elbegdorj interview to the Time Magazine

It looks like President Elbegdorj gave interview to Time Magazine of the USA. Special issue of the Magazine dedicated for Mongolia is to appear soon.President re-affirmed his belief that Mongolia is best example of Democracy in Central Asia and said " As a democratic anchor of the East, Mongolia is to lead the course toward consolidation of democracy, rule of law, human rights and freedoms. And Mongolia is unwaveringly committed to our choice. The worst enemy on our path is corruption. Therefore, combating corruption, strengthening our judiciary and rule of law is of utmost importance for Mongolia”.

We'll be eagerly waiting for the issue and read full interview of President Elbegdorj who recently announced moratorium on death penalty.

By Ganbat, reporter of MonInfo New Service

Mongolia Embassy in the US posted following news in its website.
President Elbegdorj: “An Open Country Offers Opportunities”

President Elbegdorj gave an interview to the TIME Magazine, one of the world’s prestigious media titles. In his extensive dialogue with Mr. Katmerka Kurtovic and Mr. Gregory Sorokours Mr. President gave an overarching overview of and his vision for Mongolia’s development agenda.
“As a democratic anchor of the East, Mongolia is to lead the course toward consolidation of democracy, rule of law, human rights and freedoms. And Mongolia is unwaveringly committed to our choice. The worst enemy on our path is corruption. Therefore, combating corruption, strengthening our judiciary and rule of law is of utmost importance for Mongolia” – said the President.

Mr. President also noted the challenges and difficulties we face in the light of our ambitious development goals. “The challenges we have teach us lesson, provoke us to think differently, to change our mindset, to become innovative. Therefore, we rise to the challenges to resolve them and not to yield”.

The conversation went on discussing the enormous potentials Mongolia can develop for her own as well as global benefit. For instance, Mongolia may evolve as a hub of renewable energy production.

The interview will appear on the Time Magazine’s special issue on Mongolia.

Source:Mongolian Embassy in the USA (

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