President names his Advisor as Prosecutor General

In accordance with the Constitution of Mongolia, the President Ts.Elbegdorj sent to parliament Tuesday his proposal on appointing D.Dorligjav the General Prosecutor of the state.
The State Head mentioned that he put forward the proposal taking into consideration Dorligjav's experience in public service, professional skills and participation in drawing up the program for reforming the jurisdiction.
D.Dorligjav is now working as head of the Presidential Office and a senior advisor.

Mr. Dorligjav Dambii was born on July 24, 1959, in Uvs, a western province of Mongolia. He completed his secondary education in his home province and moved to Khovd province, a neighboring province, to study at the agricultural technical vocation school to study veterinary.
Yet, after practicing veterinary for a few years in his home village Zuungobi in Uvs province, Mr. Dorligjav left for Moscow to study military and political science at the Moscow Military and Political Science Institute.
After graduation in 1983, he returned to Mongolia and studied law at the Mongolian National University. Majored in political science and law, Mr. Dorligjav worked in the Prosecutors’ Office of Sukhbaatar district of Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia.

He started his political career in late 80s when he joined his friends of common beliefs and convictions in a struggle to build a new order in Mongolia – democracy and market economy. His political biography is inseparable from the history of Mongolian democracy. He was elected to the People’s Ih Khural (Congress) and the Baga Khural (first permanent Parliament) in 1990.

Soon after he served as Mongolia’s Deputy Prime Minister in 1992, the time when Mongolia first faced the severe hardships and harsh realities of transition to market economy. The challenges were immense, and his young, democratic government did manage to robustly withstand the tests of time and brought about fundamental reforms in the country’s economy with 70 year old past socialist legacy.

His political background is very diverse and, inarguably, he is one of the assets of Mongolia’s political and economic knowledge and experience depository – he served as the Minister of Defense, as Minister of Professional Inspectorate, Advisor to the Prime Minister.
There were times when the country needed him as an economic manager entrusting him to run the country’s largest state owned enterprise – Erdenet Copper mine, which to-date generates the lion share of the country’s foreign exchange revenues.
He later on came to refurbish his party, the Democratic Party serving as its Chairman, and later as the Secretary General of the party. His service in the Mongolian government, to the Mongolian State have been and are valuable as wherever he is, there is always dynamism, and order, and efficiency

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1 comment:

  1. My recollection is that he never graduated the Moscow Military and Political Science Institute.


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