Tavan Tolgoi Draft Submitted to Parliament

Best interests for the nation will be highest priority in choosing strategic investor of Tavan Tolgoi project, reaffirmed Minister of Minerals and Energy D.Zorigt. “No any side will be given advantageous rights. Each of them will have equal chance to win,” he said. But he admitted that there is growing demand to push national producers and national-level large businesses into growth under umbrella of this project concept.

Currently there more than ten international mining giants lined up against youngest “Mongol-999” national consortium, that joined over 1500 private Mongolian businesses, hoping to get a slice of the high grade coking coal mine located in Omnogobi province.

The government submitted on Thursday a package of documents to the State Great Khural (Parliament) for approval, which includes a draft changes to the Minerals Law, draft investment agreement, and several draft resolutions of the Parliament. The package also includes draft documents of preliminary selection of potential winner.

The draft investment agreement, that has 19 articles, and 144 clauses, will be signed by Erdenes MGL, a state corporation that owns license of Tavan Tolgoi, and Minister of Finance, Minister of Nature and Environment, and Minister of Minerals and Energy from the side of Mongolia’s government with investor side. The sides may include Minister of Road, Transport, Construction and Urban Development.

National Security Council, which consists of President Ts.Elbegdorj, Speaker of Parliament D.Demberel and Prime Minister S.Batbold, released a number of recommendations last week to the government to retain 100 percent ownership of the Tavan Tolgoi mine under a publicly listed state-owned corporation, and to announce investor in open and transparent manner. The council strongly advised the government to interrelate Tavan Tolgoi project development closely with southern Gobi regional development plan.

Mongolia over the course of last weeks saw hot public debates centered around infrastructure developments of the Tavan Tolgoi project, especially around its railway policy-whether it would be broad or narrow gauge line.

The government stated that it will carefully watch following factors in the selection process: experience, financial capability, availability of environmentally friendly technology, rehabilitation plan, social responsibility, employment creation, regional infrastructure developments, water survey and water usage, and end price of coal products. Urban planning and industrial complexes (of European standard) around the major project would also be linked to regional policies.

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