Population and Housing Census starts November 11

Census takers will knock on every apartment and every ger door in Mongolia from November 11-17
From November 11-17, the Population and Housing Census, conducting once each decade, under the recommendation of UN, will run throughout the nation.
Preliminary registration for the census runs until October 25 and covers artisanal miners, homeless, herders on transhumance, and foreigners who are staying in Mongolia longer than183 days. This registration helps to approximate how many people will be involved in the census and where they will be registered.
This census is to be organized for the first time within frames of independent law and a digital map will be used for the first time. There are plans to hire 29,189 people in total for the census commission. After conducting the census on November
11-17, a preliminary report of the census will be ready by February 20, 2011 and the final results will be issued by June 1, 2011. Also, a database will be formed in 2012-2013 by analyzing the census data. The Population and Housing Census is a comprehensive action to collect, process, analyze and synthesize demographic, social and economic information by involving all people living in Mongolian territory in the census, and to distribute the census report. By doing so, it will create basic statistical information required for studying changes, reasons and conditions formed in demography, economy and society in recent decade, planning for future demographic, economic and social development, drawing-up policy, programs, and conducting scientific works. The Population and Housing Census is significant to determine policies such as where new schools and hospitals need to be established

whether administration divisions should be altered, when Mongolia’s population will reach 3 million, what policies should be followed now for citizens who will retire in the future, how many people live in gher dwellings while how many people live in apartments as well as whether the population can be provided with a source of drinking water. Demographic and social indications in the census questionnaire comprises questions about family name, parents’ and own names, date of birth, sex, nationality, citizenship, educational achievement, literacy and religious belief. Questions of economic indication are to be about employment, occupation, direction of business activity, unemployment and its reasons, and cell phone and internet usage. Questions about housing include types of housing, ownership, number of rooms, total square area of apartments, as well as others. The census questionnaire also includes geographic location and migrationrelated questions about place of birth, place of permanent residence or temporarily residence at the time of the census, term of residence in that place, as well as others. Census starts through Internet During the period between October 10 and November 17, the census will count Mongolians staying abroad longer than 183 days through the Internet. Mongolians staying abroad need to visit the census website at www.toollogo2010.mn and insert their surname and own name and their registration number in order to confirm being a citizen of Mongolia. Official sources say that counting Mongolians abroad via Internet or information given by their relatives living in Mongolia will be safe information. People can inform census workers about their relatives staying abroad as well. By doing so, doubled information about Mongolians abroad will be combined. Mongolia’s population increased by 3.7 times in the 20th century
When Mongolia conducted its first population census in 1918, it registered 547.6 thousand. According to the second census in 1935, it was found to have increased to 738.2 thousand. In 1944, Mongolia’s population reached 754.2 thousand. When an independent professional organization conducted a census in 1956, it counted 845.5 thousand. It reached 1885.0 thousand by 1979 and Mongolia’s first millionth citizen was born in 1962. The second millionth citizen was born in 1988. The population census that was carried out in 1989 under UN recommendations found that Mongolia’s population had increased to 2,044.0 thousand. The census in 2000 counted 2,373.5 thousand people.
source: Mongol Messenger newspaper

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  1. I saw unmistakeably CHEMTRAILS over UB on Saturday afternoon: the plane(s) going back and forth leaving trails which stayed aloft all afternoon.



  2. You must be the only one saw this. You must be the crazy american who divorced your Mongolian wife and teaches english at Dr.English?

  3. Even if I was the only one who was aware of what was going on, would it make it any less true? Usually it's barium and aluminum in the trails. If that's true, they must *want* another cold winter to prevent global warming. Normal water vapor goes away in a few minutes. The airlines are probably not even aware of what's going on, probably the same with the Mongolian gov't.

    Keep making up stories pal. I'm just reporting the truth that I've witnessed: streams of airplane trails going back and forth SE to NW back and forth for the whole afternoon. I'd be glad to be corrected. I'm going to correct myself: it was Sunday afternoon. Started around 1PM and ended around 5PM going back and forth.

  4. honeyspizza,
    You must be the american guy who posts in Mongolian websites under the name " Infowarrior". You lives in 13th district. It is not me who is making up UFO stories. It is you. Report the UB UFO incident to US Embassy in UB. They might listen to you...

  5. I am mongolian living in a foreign soil. Is there a site where I can register for the Census? Any information will be greatly appreciated.

  6. Dear Mongolian in foreign soil.
    Check out this site for registration.

    Mongolian citizens living abroad for more than 6 months are eligible for internet registration.

    This is link for online registration.
    Do you write transcyrillic Mongolian?

    Mongolianviews news team


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