Mongolia: Vibroseis 2D survey to cover two blocks

By OGJ editors

HOUSTON, July 14 -- A second seismic survey is starting on the Zuunbayan-XIV and Tsagaan Els-XIII blocks in Mongolia, said Manas Petroleum Corp., Baar, Switzerland.

Gobi Energy Partners GMBH, operator of the blocks, said the 2D Vibroseis survey will cover as much as 1,700 line-km over 10 prospective areas identified by integrated interpretation on both blocks. The program is laid out in 8 phases without interruption between the phases; however, some phases show interdependencies.

Gobi Energy Partners signed the agreement for seismic services with Sinopec Mongolia LLC, a subsidiary of China Petrochemical Corp., on July 12. Sinopec has extensive seismic experience in the area. Project cost of $4.2 million includes mobilization and demobilization.

This seismic survey is being carried out in an effort to improve the quality of existing data and increase the chances of success of exploratory wells the company intends to drill upon completion and interpretation of the new data. The first well is anticipated to be spudded in second-quarter 2012.

Source:Oil and Gas Journal


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