Mongolian opposition party rejects new PM nomination

The Mongolian People's Party (MPP), the largest opposition party in the inland country, voted on Wednesday against the nomination of Chimed Saikhanbileg as the new prime minister proposed by the ruling party.
The ruling body of the MPP made the decision after it held a two-day discussion on the issue, joined by its parliamentary members.
"We can't accept the nomination of the person who was working in previous cabinet and was instrumental in deterioration of economy and accumulation of debt, the MPP said in a statement.
"However, we can accept nomination of a person who can lead the country from the current situation," the MPP added.
Saikhanbileg is a veteran politician from the Democratic Party and used to serve as Minister of Enlightenment and the head of the government IT agency. He is currently the chief of government secretariat.
On Nov. 5, the Mongolian parliament ousted Democratic Party's Prime Minister Norov Altankhuyag, who was allegedly involved in corruption scandals.
After the attempt to nominate former Prime Minister Rinchinnyamiin Amarjargal as the new head of government was boycotted by Altankhuyag, the ruling party chose Saikhanbileg to lead the government mired in crisis.
The rejection of the new nomination of the Democratic Party will put Mongolia into continued uncertainty. End

Source:Xinhua news agency

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