“Mongolia will be a strategic anchor for the EU in the east,” Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj said, addressing MEP’s during the plenary session in Strasbourg on Tuesday 9 June. It is Elbegdorj’s first visit to the Parliament since being elected in May 2009. During his speech he talked about his country´s transition to democracy and the European Union’s support and cooperation during this time.
“We arrived from being the most isolated and closed communist regime in the world to one of the most open. Today we have a dynamic market economy, a vibrant, creative society,” Elbegdorj said. The president stressed the importance of EU support and cooperation: “You were with us when we needed your support the most; you were with us when we needed your voice of encouragement.”
Introducing Elbegdorj, EP President Martin Schulz said that Mongolia will be hosting the 2016 Asia-Europe Meeting (Asem) in June 2016. “This is essential in terms of building bridges between Europe and Asia and will help us resolve the regional and global problems,” he said.
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