Mongolia’s Ministry of Finance and World Bank sign credit agreements

The FINANCIAL -- Minister of Finance J. Erdenebat and World Bank Country Manager James Anderson signed on June 18 credit agreements totaling  US$63 million for three new projects: the Education Quality Reform Project, the E-Health Project and the SMART Government Project .
“The World Bank and the Government of Mongolia have partnered for nearly 25 years on many projects in a variety of sectors. We are pleased to be working together on education, health, and smart government, three priority areas for the government, and we look forward to collaborating with the World Bank in the future,” said Minister of Finance J. Erdenebat.

The Education Quality Reform Project ($27.4) aims to improve the quality of education for primary school children in Mongolia. The project will create a results focus within the education system and strengthen the country’s capacity to provide classroom-level support for teaching and learning in every primary school in the country. The project will extend access to high-quality learning materials, establish a national assessment system, improve teacher professional development, and implement a school grants program. 

The E-Health Project ($17.9) will design an e-health system to provide faster access to more integrated health information systems. This will speed the processing of referrals, avoid duplication of tests and procedures, and facilitate follow-up care. The project will pilot the new e-health system in three aimags allowing for information to be shared among hospitals and healthcare providers, even in remote areas, according to the World Bank.

The SMART Government Project ($17.8) aims to use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to improve accessibility, transparency and efficiency of public services in Mongolia. The Project will support the government in achieving its vision of leveraging the ICT sector as a key driver of growth, competitiveness, and improved governance. The project will support competitiveness of the economy and contribute to Mongolia’s improved global rankings for e-government.

“We look forward to working with the government to improve the quality of primary education and health services across the country, and to leverage Mongolia’s vast broadband infrastructure and ICT to make public services more efficient and accessible to everyone,” said James Anderson, World Bank Country Manager for Mongolia.                      

The concessional credits are supported by the International Development Association, a part of the World Bank Group.

Source:The Financial

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