Thousands take part in largest camel race as part of initiative to increase animal's population in Mongolia

A huge camel festival in Mongolia earlier this month saw an incredible 1,108 jockeys take to their saddles for a history-making race.
As part of an ongoing initiative to restore the country’s declining population of domestic Bactrian (two-humped) camels, The Administrative Office of the Governor of Umnogovi aimag (Mongolia) organised a succesful attempt at the title for the Largest camel race ever. 
Largest camel race jockeys
The track in Dalanzadgad city was just over 15 km long, with the fastest animal finishing in 35 min 12 sec and the whole race completed in 1 hr 8 min.
Largest camel race start
The camels lined up at the start
Guinness World Records adjudicator Pravin Patel attended the history-making event to verify the attempt, and was thrilled to present its organisers with an official certificate recognising their success.
The festival was founded back in 1997 and has since grown into a massive two-day event accommodating two camel races, camel polo and other team sports, poetry contests for children, drawing competitions and many other camel-related activities.
Largest camel race in full swing
Over the past 15 years camel festivals have been held all over the region and the country has seen a significant and vital rise in the value of of Bactrians.
The recent attempt almost doubled the previous record-setting camel race, which involved 555 participants and was achieved by the Alxa League Administrative Office of Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region (China) at Tamusu, Alateng Aobao Town, Alxa Right Banner, Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region, China, on 19 November 2011.



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