Factsheet on the EU-Mongolia Framework Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation

The Framework Agreement on Partnership and Cooperationbetween the European Union and Mongolia is testimony to the growing importance of EU-Mongolia relations, which are based on the shared values of democracy, rule of law and human rights and respect for international commitments in this regard. It will provide the basis for a broader and more effective engagement by the EU and its Member States with Mongolia moving forward.
The Framework Agreement consists of 65 Articles with a Preamble and nine Titles, which cover:
1.    the nature and scope of the Agreement;
2.    bilateral, regional and international cooperation;
3.    cooperation on sustainable development;
4.    cooperation on trade and investment issues;
5.    cooperation in the area of justice, freedom and security;
6.    cooperation in other sectors;
7.    means of cooperation;
8.    the institutional framework;
9.    final provisions
The Agreement provides a general framework for promoting bilateral, regional and international cooperation and includes the EU’s standard political clauses on human rights, weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), the International Criminal Court (ICC), small arms and light weapons (SALWs) and counter-terrorism.

The Agreement will strengthen political, economic and sectoral cooperation across a wide range of policy fields, including trade and investment, sustainable development, justice, freedom and security. It encompasses areas such as cooperation on principles, norms and standards, raw materials, migration, organised crime and corruption, industrial policy and small and medium-sized enterprises cooperation, tourism, energy, education and culture, environment, climate change and natural resources, agriculture, health, civil society, and the modernisation of the state and public administration.
The negotiations for the EU-Mongolia Framework Agreement on started in 2010 and were concluded in 2013. On 15 February 2017, the European Parliament gave its consent to conclude the. This vote by the European Parliament was an important step in concluding the Agreement and paves the way for its entry into force.
Once it enters into force, The Agreement will supersede the current legal framework of the 1993 Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation between the European Economic Community and Mongolia.


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