Russia to provide military-technical assistance for Mongolia

Press release

Russian military delegation led by V.N.Drojjov, deputy director of  Federal service for military –technical cooperation of Russian Federation who is on working visit in Mongolia was received by Kh.Batbileg, colonel and state secretary of Ministry of Defense. 

During the visit, Mongolian and Russian officials signed intergovernmental protocol (memorandum of Understanding) on military technical assistance for Mongolia.

At the start of the meeting, colonel Kh.Batbileg said “ Welcome to our country. We are happy that Russian Federation assisted upgrading of arms and equipments of our armed forces.  On behalf of Ministry of Defense of Mongolia, we thank the Federal Service and its management for playing important role in signing first assistance agreement and its extension and supply of arms and equipment. 

He continued “ This time, our military is happy that validity of intergovernmental agreement of two countries on providing military-technical assistance have been restored and created legal environment to continue assistance”.

He noted that arms and equipments delivered by Russia have been fully used by Mongolian armed forces.
Batbileg expressed that in the future, Mongolian side is interested in cooperation about improvement of Air defense weapons and equipments.

After the meeting, both sides signed intergovernmental protocol on restoration of validity of Mongolian and Russian government agreement on delivery of military-technical assistance for Mongolia.

Russian side is to supply T-90a tank Btr-80 armored carrier, Bmp-2 infantry fighting vehicle, S-300 favorite Missile system, SU-27  fighter aircraft 12 units and transportation and fighter helicopter, radar locator system  for Mongolia. 

In addition, Russia is to train personnel to operate these military equipments in Russian military academies.

Source: Mongolian Ministry of Defense


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