Transparency International (TI) congratulates the speaker of the State Great Hural (Parliament) of Mongolia, Mr. G. Zandanshatar, for initiating crucial reforms to the country’s anti-corruption law and tabling a long-awaited debate on the draft law on whistleblower protection that was originally submitted in 2016. The whistleblower protection bill should be modified to meet international standards on transparency, openness and accountability.
L. Tur-Od, President of TI - Mongolia, described the Speaker of Parliament’s actions as a positive indication of his commitment to join the international fight against corruption. “It is also a clear indication of his intention to clean up and establish an open Parliament, as well as subscribe to the open government and national integrity principles that TI Mongolia has been advocating for since its inception.”
Delia Ferreira Rubio, Chair of Transparency International, said: “Strong protection for whistleblowers is a vital pillar of any country’s anti-corruption framework. International standards and best practices for whistleblower protection laws can serve as important guides towards passing strong legislation that truly protects those who come forward to report wrongdoing.”
At the same time, however, the Mongolian Parliament appears to be attempting to reduce civic space, freedom of expression, association, assembly, and civil society’s access to resources through newly proposed draft laws on non-profit legal entities, political parties and social media. Moreover, in its on-going process of proposed constitutional amendments and changes, Mongolia should fully subscribe to its international commitments, particularly on Goal 16 targets under the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, for building ‘effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels’. Undermining the constitutional foundations of plural democracy, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law will lead to increased corruption and impunity, Transparency International warned.

Source:Transparency International

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