Sukhbaatar's Revenge-What???

Mongolia book review:
“Mongolia, Empire of the Steppes” travel guide book by Claire Sermier and published by Odyssey Guides in 2002 is a colorful books with many nice photos and illustrations.
I got hold of this book recently in 2009 and reading it now. Just came across an unknown disease named after our national hero Sukhbaatar in this book.
In page 29, under title “ Health and Safety”- The average Mongolian lives a long, robust life; often attributed to the dry climate and hearty diet. Similarly, travelers are unlikely to catch anything other than the classic case of ‘Sukhbaatar’s Revenge’, which is due to a change in eating habits and way of life.

We don’t have a disease called ‘Sukhbaatar’s Revenge’. Maybe author of this guidebook imagined that Mongolia must have a disease named after its hero similar to Pharaoh’s revenge in Egypt.


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