Mongolia and Xinjiang

Zungharian Mongolian state ruled Turkestan through Khojas, aristocratic families of the Uigurs.
Still many Mongolians or Torghuts live in Bortal region of the province.Some local names of East Turkestan still retains Mongolian root words.
After Mongolia became independent state in 1921, many Mongolians in Turkestan moved to Mongolia.... Bulgan soum of Khovd aimag consists of Mongolians from Turkestan...
I think what happened in Inner Mongolia is going to be repeated in Turkestan... Inner Mongolia is completely assimilated into Han Chinese culture and Mongolians became minority in their own land... Inner Mongolians does not have popular leader like Dalai Lama for Tibetans....
World community should listen to pleas of Uigurs and Inner Mongolians and push Beijing regime to change its policy towards ethnic minorities!!!!


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