Xinjiang, traditional homeland of the Mongols ???

Eastern Turkestan or Xinjiang was an area occupied by Western Mongols (Zunghars) in 16th century. Zhunghar was a large, independent Mongolian empire which stretched from Lake Balkhash in the north down to Kashgar, Hami and Barkol.
Zunghars was defeated by the cursed Manchus who founded Ching Dynasty in China.
Eastern Turkestan is a land we lost to China. Not only we lost Eastern Turkestan but lost Inner Mongolia forever to China because of this Manchu rule.

Mongols’ hatred for Manchu knows no bounds. Manchu is a cursed nation who handed Tibet, Inner Mongolia and Eastern Turkestan to Han China. If it was not Manchus, all these countries would have been separate and independent countries on their own.
Manchus got what they deserved. They are fully assimilated into Han Chinese culture.
Hey Manchus, Where is your pride and arrogance???? You enslaved Mongolia for 200 years until 1911. Now Mongolia is independent and free even we lost some of our land!!! Now no more traces of Manchus in the world!!

Where is your wise ancestors and emperors???? Didn’t they know that they will be assimilating in Han China!! They would be crawling in their graves if they know that their conquests made Han China large and ruler of other nations and brought nothing but suffering and enslavement for Mongolia, Eastern Turkestan and Tibetans!!!
You as a nation, Manchus are eternally damned…
You handed Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Turkestan to Han China!!!

My heart goes out to Uigurs who are struggling against the Beijing policy of forced assimilation of the Uigurs. They are fighting for right cause in Urumqi during last few days…
May all the oppressed non-Chinese minorities get heard by international community!!

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