Indian press calls for closer ties with Mongolia amidst tension with China

During last few days tension between China and India, some in Indian press called for closer cooperation with Mongolia to contain China.

India and China's recent war-of-words were triggered over disputed territory in Kashmir and Indian Prime Minister's visit to the Arunchal Pradesh state. China lays claim to 90,000 square km of land in that Himalayan region governed by India.
Adding to the tension, Tibetan spiritual leader 13th Dalai Lama plans to visit Arunchal Pradesh in near future, Indian press reported.

India and China have territorial disputes and in 1962 the two countries were engaged in brief border war where India lost to China and ceded some territory.

India and Mongolia have historical ties through Tibetan Buddhism which originated in India. Trading between the two countries is minimum due to geographic location.

By Ganbat, reporter of MonInfo News Service

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