Civil registration campaign ends

The revised civil registration that started on July 5, 2010 has covered 76.9 percent or 1.5 million out of the total population as at October 20, with some 74.7 percent of Ulaanbaatar’s population and 78.5 percent of the country’s rural population participating Although this registration campaign is scheduled to end on October 30, civil registration will continue as usual. Mongolia’s civil registration was undertaken on an information-based format. PM S. Batbold confirmed that identifying citizens by finger-printing meets with modern international trends and opens a new civil registration era for Mongolia.
At Parliament’s plenary meeting on October 21, the Prime Minister made a statement in regard to the revised civil registration process and further action to be taken in the future, mentioning that one advantage gained from this recent registration is that it had created the opportunity to set up a database for digital photographs by photographing individual’s as part of the registration process. Therefore, according to the Human Development Fund Law, those citizens who registered during the revised civil registration have obtained the full right to receive shares from the country’s natural wealth.
With its Resolution in 2009, Parliament instructed Government to take action to integrate the revised civil registration, including the allotment of shares in the Human Development Fund to every citizen, in addition to setting up a unified data-base for infrastructure and physical data which are to form the basis on which to issue citizens’ smart IDs.
In his statement, the Prime Minister claimed that the normal shortcomings relevant to civil documentation had been noted during the registration process, such as lost birth certificates, differences in surnames and given names, the valid term expiry on individuals’ ID documents, as well as other issues. Registration processes in aimags had differed; for instance, covering more than 80 percent of those living in the Dundgobi, Omnogobi, Bayankhongor, Dornogobi, Arkhangai aimags, and in Ulaanbaatar’s Baganuur, Bagakhangai and Chingeltei Districts. This currently covers 62.5 percent in Bayan-Olgii Aimag and 66.6 percent in Khovd Aimag.
Social Welfare and Labor Minister T. Gandi said that people who have not participated in the registration are mainly herders who had been engaged in stock movement to alternative pastures, Mongolians living abroad, people with wealthgenerating livelihoods, people with civil document related problems, and people who are homeless or have no permanent address. Registering by finger-print has also ensured that there has been no duplication of information, also revealing that some people had obtained certificates under two different surnames and given names and were thus receiving duplicate welfare allowances. In addition, the process had exposed over 200 attempts to be registered for a second time in the fundamental data of the revised civil registration. As many people are applying at local State registration units and at the State Registration Department to have documentation problems eliminated, these organizations are currently experiencing an increased workload. Within the last 3 months, 97,918 citizens had applied to the State Registration Department to obtain birth certificate references; a 3-fold increase compared to the same period in the previous year. For this reason, the Civil Documents’ Central Archives Department is to begin serving the public throughout the day at 14 windows, starting from September 22 in order to more quickly eliminate documentation problems and issue birth certificate references for people born since 1951. Also for the purpose of intensifying the revised civil registration process, Khoroo Administrations in Ulaanbaatar are to lengthen their daily working hours and start working on Saturdays. 468 primary registration units have been equipped with materials and items, such as notebooks, photographic cameras, finger-print scanners, printers and bar code readers, as well as 16 other modern software items. The civil registration has mobilized 524 registration staff members and 502 contract workers. Parliament has endorsed expending Tgs6.8 billion, under refundable conditions, in regard
The State Registration Department experiences an increased workload

to the revised civil registration.
The Prime Minister said that this registration’s main significance is to create the conditions required to deliver civil services to citizens and organizations more efficiently, faster, factually, equally and justly, to improve operational consistency and cooperation between the various organizations involved, protect citizens’ rights, and to satisfy national security.
He added that it was planned to implement all measures required to involve every citizen in this registration in future. For instance, the plan is to register students who come from rural areas to study at universities and colleges in the capital city, in addition to soldiers and prisoners.
The Foreign Affairs Ministry, the Social Welfare and Labor Ministry and the State Registration Department all plan to co-organize activities from 2011 in order to include Mongolians living abroad in the revised civil registration.
The Prime Minister emphasized that Government’s next significant step is to create the basic structure for issuing digital IDs by bringing the revised civil registration and unified database into use
source; Mongol Messenger newspaper

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