Party of Mongolian ex-president protests arrest of party’s general secretary

ULAANBAATAR, Nov 05 (MonInfo) – Leaders of Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party or party of ex-president of Mongolia Enkhbayar Nambar protested last night’s arrest of their party’s secretary general. 
Mongolian Minister of Health Shiilegdamba Gankhuyag was arrested last night by country’s anti-corruption body “Independent agency against Corruption” or IAAC.Local media reported he is now detained in Prison unit no.461 under the country’s Prison authority. His office and home was raided by police force.
According to local media story, the Minister was arrested and under questioning for bribery and corruption.It is alleged that he was arrested when he about to receive 500 million tugrug worth US dollars as bribe.
Shiilegdamba is member and general secretary of Mongolian’s People’s Revolutionary Party or MPRP and close ally of former president Enkhbayar Nambar.
Erdenejamyan, advisor of the MPRP said “ Shiilegdamba is not a  person that can receive bribery. We trust him. this is politically motivated arrest as parliamentary election is nearing.It is part of the activities to intimidate MPRP. We all know who ordered this arrest.”
He then said “it is incumbent president Elbegdorj who appoints chief of the IAAC and and general prosecutor. He is the one orchestrating all these attacks against our party.”
Former President Enkhbayar Nambar and his party MPRP  often accused the IAAC of acting under direct order of incumbent President Elbegdorj Tsakhia to hunt down his political enemies under the guise of fighting with corruption. Enditem.

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