Former foreign minister warns Mongolia should not take sides during global polarization

When questioned if Mongolia will join Shanghai Cooperation Organization during its regular summit in China next month, Gombojav Tserenpil, who served as foreign minister between 1988-1996 said there is no need for that.

Former Minister said new type of “Cold war” has began today and world has become polarized and many hot spots has emerged, trade wars expanded its scope and emphasized Mongolia needs to pursue non-alignment and multi-pillar policy based on current key foreign relations documents.

He understands SCO as a coalition that opposes US domination, however, India and Pakistan joining SCO made the SCO more confusing. He said four out of eight members of SCO has nuclear weapons and four are Muslim countries which have common problems of terrorism, extremism, separatism.

He put forward question “ what will Mongolia gain by joining SCO?”.
-We must be able to answer this question. Will our security improve?  Will our international reputation increase?  Will there be new development source?

However, former Minister said he himself can’t give positive answers to this question. Mongolia has political and bilateral cooperation agreement with all members of the SCO. These agreements contain clauses on jointly fighting against human trafficking, terrorism and narcotic transportation. 

Therefore, it is not really necessary for Mongolia to join the SCO as it is possible for Mongolia to cooperate with SCO as observer. Not joining SCO is not about distrusting or isolating from our two immediate neighbors as this is proven by scope of our current cooperation.

In nutshell, Mongolia should not abandon its third neighbor policy and should not take sides in polarized world, according to former foreign Minister. (Mongolian news portal)

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