Nomads no more

A steppe-land struggles with new riches MONGOLIANS were until recently wont to describe themselves as “beggars sitting on a huge pile of gold”. The country has vast but largely untapped mineral deposits.Until recently wages were low and jobs scarce. Shoppers in...

The highest building in Mongolia- Blue Sky Tower

The year 2010 will mark the launching of the highest building in Mongolia. Currently the tallest building in Mongolia, Blue Sky Tower stands at a height of 105 meters and is located at the heart of Ulaanbaatar, facing the Sukhbaatar square. Last month, Blue Sky...

Policy Rate to remain unchanged

At its meeting on October 21, the Mongol Bank’s Board of Directors reached a decision not to change the Policy Rate. According to the National Statistical Committee, inflation had stood at 10.6 percent throughout the nation and at 10.9 percent in Ulaanbaatar by September. After showing faster growth during the first half of this year, inflation has...

Civil registration campaign ends

The revised civil registration that started on July 5, 2010 has covered 76.9 percent or 1.5 million out of the total population as at October 20, with some 74.7 percent of Ulaanbaatar’s population and 78.5 percent of the country’s rural population participating...

Blood donor HIV case recorded

B.OoluunAccording to official information, 83 HIV cases have been recorded in Mongolia. Last week, information was blasted by the press that blood from a donor with HIV had been used in transfusions to 14 patients, shocking the public. The Health Ministry and relevant health organizations declared this information to be baseless and incorrect. During...

Penalties remain unchanged for people of sensation

B.Ooluun. In regard to Appeal Court trials held on October 21 at the Capital’s Court, the press has published extensively about two attentiongrabbing cases in which penaltieshave remained unchanged. On that day, trials took place on the cases of Ts. Jargalsaikhan, former advisor at Parliament’s Foreign Relations and Cooperation Department, who has...

KESI, Mongolia boost ties [GUEST REPORT]

Korea Elevator Safety Institute President Kim Nam-deuk (right) and Ya. Sodbaatar, director of the State Specialized Inspection Agency of Mongolia, pose for a picture after the meeting Korea Elevator Safety Institute President Kim Nam-deuk held a second meeting...

Khan wins another favorable ruling in Mongolia, shrs up

By Ashutosh JoshiBANGALORE (REUTERS)-Canada's Khan Resources Inc , which is caught in a legal tangle with Mongolian authorities over its uranium mining licenses in the country, received another court ruling in its favor, sending its shares up 23 percent. The 7-month long dispute is over Khan's license to explore uranium at Dornod -- Mongolia's biggest...

SouthGobi Resources to Construct a Paved Highway in Southern Mongolia to Accelerate Delivery of Coal From Ovoot Tolgoi Coal Mine to Chinese Buyers

ULAANBAATAR, MONGOLIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 25, 2010) - Alexander Molyneux, President and CEO of SouthGobi Resources Ltd. (TSX:SGQ)(SEHK:1878), announced today that the company has awarded a US$48 million contract to build a paved highway dedicated to the delivery of export shipments from SouthGobi's Ovoot Tolgoi coal mine to the Mongolia-China border...


About court case on environmental damages caused by Puraam and Centerra Gold-mining companies: On October 21, Mongolian citizens Ts.Munkhbayar, G.Bayaraa, D.Tumurbaatar and O.Sambuu-Yondon filed law-suit against Puraam and Centerra Gold-mining companies for environmental damages and violating Mongolian environmental protection regulations in the State...

SMG to set up tertiary hospital in Mongolia

SINGAPORE - SINGAPORE Medical Group (SMG) has announced its intention to establish a joint venture for a multi-disciplinary tertiary hospital in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia with Chono Corporation. The SGX-listed healthcare services company signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Chono Corporation yesterday. Chono is a private investment holding...

Era Models Agency Booms in International Market

The fashion industry is a product of modern age, it is applied art dedicated to clothing and lifestyle accessories created with the culture and social influences of a specific time. In Mongolia the industry has started its in early 90’s. One of the first Mongolian agency “Era” started in 1991, by D.Erdene-Tuya.”Era” has the leading and most comprehensive...

Working for a Mongolian company

Written by G.Chingis Recently, many foreign executives and professionals have joined Mongolian companies and state organizations. Of course, for them this article might not be so interesting. Nevertheless, if this trend continues, many new foreigners will soon join Mongolian organizations and companies. You and the bossMost Mongolians bosses will...

Moody's Assigns Ratings to Tdb's Mtn Programme Notes

(Source: Info-Prod Research (Middle East))trackingMoody's Investors Service has assigned a Ba3 rating to senior unsecured notes drawn under the USD300 million foreign currency Euro Medium Term Note (EMTN) programme of the Trade and Development Bank of Mongolia...

Turkey, Mongolia sign memorandum of understanding

Turkey and Mongolia signed a memorandum of understanding during the sixth term joint economic committee meeting in Ulan Bator on Tuesday Turkey and Mongolia signed a memorandum of understanding during the sixth term joint economic committee meeting in Ulan Bator...

Ivanhoe unit takes stake in Aspire Mining

shares in Aspire Mining Ltd rose after an Ivanhoe Group company took a substantial stake in the junior coal explorer. Aspire shares were up 2.5 cents, or 13.16 per cent, at 21.5 cents at 1346 AEDT. Aspire, a Perth-based company, on Monday said the Ivanhoe-controlled SouthGobi Resources had taken a 19.9 per cent interest in Aspire via a placement of...

World Bank says Mongolia’s recovery impressive and broad-based

The World Bank’s Quarterly Economic Update says Mongolia has staged an impressive recovery from the steep recession of late 2008 and early 2009. Moreover, the economic recovery is becoming broad-based. Strong demand for copper and coal from China are fuelling the recovery, and are also helping to substantially improve the external balance. And imports...

About 100 Mongolians spent USD7 million to buy MMC shares at Hong Kong IPO

After Energy Resources or Mongolian Mining Corporation (MMC) successfully traded its shares at an international stock exchange, questions have resurfaced if ordinary Mongolians can ever hold shares in companies that work here. D.Achit-Erdene, President of the...

Letter From Mongolia

We had a great season with many big fish, including the monster in this photo which hit a sculpin pattern I tied with a chunk of rabbit fur the size of a ballpark frank. Lost the beast once after nearly a minute on the hook, under heavy pressure, and when the...

Mongolia to import B.C. lumber

Mongolian wood frame sector looks towards B.C. The government of Mongolia plans to build 96 regional government centres from B.C. lumber and Canadian wood technology, Forests and Range Minister Pat Bell announced recently. "B.C.'s 'Wood First' approach to build more public buildings out of wood is gaining recognition around the world," Bell said. "The...

SPECIAL REPORT-Mongolia's fabled mine stirs Asian frontier

The new gold rush to develop Mongolia's resources could make it the world's fastest-growing economy over the next five years, according to Renaissance Capital, which projected GDP will almost quadruple to $23 billion by 2013 from $6 billion today. To profit from its untapped iron ore, coal, copper, uranium, silver, and gold deposits, the government...

HIV-infected blood was not used for transfusion

Officials from the Ministry of Health and related organizations have denied rumors that 14 patients received transfusion of blood from an HIV-infected donor. Among those who spoke to journalists were N.Khurelbaatar, State Secretary of the Ministry; S.Tugsdelger,...

Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia in Surrey

The Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia has visited Kingston to determine if his country should base its Olympic team in Surrey during the London 2012 Games. The Mongolian delegation was a guest of Surrey County Council at County Hall on Wednesday morning before being taken on a tour of some of the county's sport facilities including Bisley, Surrey Sports...

Population and Housing Census starts November 11

Census takers will knock on every apartment and every ger door in Mongolia from November 11-17 From November 11-17, the Population and Housing Census, conducting once each decade, under the recommendation of UN, will run throughout the nation.Preliminary registration...

Mongolia closer to anti land-mine Convention membership

Jordan’s Prince Mired Bin Raad Al-Hussein Jordan’s Royal Highness Prince Mired Bin Raad Al-Hussein of Jordan is encouraging Mongolia to accelerate its progress toward membership in the international treaty banning antipersonnel mines, and to destroy its existing...

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