Negotiators on Oyu Tolgoi gold and copper investment agreement agreed to be tight-lipped.

Both teams from Government of Mongolia and Ivanhoe/Rio are negotiating literally from dawn to dusk. Teams agreed not to disclose anything to public without notifying each other fir...

PM Bayar received chinese children recuperating in Mongolia

Today, Prime Minister Bayar Sanjaa received sixty children and seven teachers from Chinese region of Sichuan hit by earthquake last year. The meeting was held in a government hall. Prime Minister Bayar said " our two countries are neighbors sharing thousands of...

Chinese pupils arrived in Mongolia to recuperate

Sixty pupils from Sichuan province of China hard hit by earthquake in 2008, has arrived in Mongolia this morning for eight-day recuperation. The chinese children were invited by Prime Minister Bayar Sanjaa when he was in China during opening ceremony of the 29th Summer Beijing Olympics last summer. This afternoon, the Chinese children were welcomed...

Draft law to amend current Minerals law submitted by two lawmakers

Lawmakers, Batbayar Nyamjav (MDP) and Byambatsogt Sandag (MPRP) have submitted a draft law to amend the Minerals law to Speaker Demberel Damdin on July 29, 2009.The draft law proposes to reduce 30 year duration of investment agreements to be concluded over strategically important mining deposits down to 15 years. Currently, Oyu Tolgoi draft Investment...

International Relief Efforts for Mongolian Flood victims continuing

South Korean Embassy in Ulaanbaatar and Korean Residents' Society in Mongolia and Food Aid international aid agency have donated 1000 pieces of clothes to Mongolians hit by recent floods. The donation was handed out to about 200 households of the Bayanzurkh, Khan-Uul, Songinokhairkhan districts of UB which are hardest hit by the flood.Staff and teachers...

World Vision assists with urban flood relief

World Vision is providing food, clothing and bedding to 1,080 families after flash floods hit Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia in mid-July. World Vision staff are now distributing food, clothing and bedding after sending assessment teams to some of the worst-affected areas in the capital. Hygiene kits are also being provided to families and...

U.S. Embassy in Ulaanbaatar, Provides Emergency Relief for Flood Victims

Flood relief efforts are continuing in Ulaanbaatar and Govi-Altai aimag. The flood claimed lives of 24 people and caused much property and economic damage in Ulaanbaatar and Govi-Altai aimag.Now, US Embassy has joined the relief effort. On July 27th the U.S. Embassy in Ulaanbaatar announced that it is providing $25,000 in emergency relief assistance...

From Mongolian Press: Interview with Batbayar Nyamjav, Mongolian Democratic Party lawmaker on Oyu Tolgoi Investment Agreement

Mongolian news website ( run by newspaper "Ardiin Erkh" interviewed Batbayar Nyamjav, Mongolian Democratic Party lawmaker on July 29, 2009. I have translated the parts related to Oyu Tolgoi investment agreement. -Everybody is saying Ivanhoe Mines might...

Re-negotiation of Oyu Tolgoi continues

Yesterday re-negotiation between Government of Mongolia and Ivanhoe Mines on Oyu Tolgoi deposit was launched.Today, the negotiation continued all day. Bayartsogt Sangajav, Minister of Finance and Zorigt Dashdorj, Minister of Minerals and Gansukh Luumed, Minister of Environment and state secretaries of the ministries and officials, lawyers are representing...

Speech of UN Chief Ban Ki Moon in Mongolia

Speech of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s speech on opening ceremony of the Think Tank on Trade and Landlocked Developing Countries, in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 27 July. It is a profound honour to participate in this opening ceremony. Above all, I want to...

Photo Report of UN Chief Ban Ki Moon's visit in Mongolia:Part 3

Photo report of UN Chief Ban Ki Moon's visit in Mongolia:Part 3 ...

Photo Report of UN Chief Ban Ki Moon's visit in Mongolia:Part 2

Photos are courtesy of Batgerel, photographer of Mongolian News Agency www.sonin...

Photo report of UN Chief Ban Ki Moon's visit in Mongolia (July 27, 2009)

UN Chief Ban Ki Moon is visiting Mongolia now. The following photos are about his visit in Mongolia.The photos are courtesy of photographer Batgerel of mongolian news agency Apparently, Mr.Ban is enjoying the visit in Mongolia....

President Elbegdorj Tsakhia may start his first international visit from India

According to Mongolian Press, President Elbegdorj Tsakhia may visit India in mid September, 2009. The visit was planned during previous President's term. Prime Minister Bayar Sanjaa is to pay official visit to New Zealand and Australia by early September, 2009.Mongolia and India have ancient cultural and religious links. Buddhism which originated...

New CEO of ZOOS Bank selected by its board

Shareholders of "Zoos" bank, fifth largest bank of 16 commercial banks of Mongolia appointed Mr.Benjamin Turnbull, American national as CEO replacing Ms.Chudanji, Mongolian national.The move is triggered by European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), which owns 25%+1 share of the bank. According to its website (, the decision...

From Mongolian Press: Opinion of Mongolian civic leader on Oyu Tolgoi Investment Agreement

Mongolia have two English weekly newspapers, UB Post and Mongol Messenger. On July 24, 2009, UB Post published an article written by Mr.Jargalsaikhan, former chairman of Mongolian Foreign Investment Agency and board member of Anod Bank and one of the founders...

Pictures of Mongolian Bikers during Naadam Celebration

Mongolia have quiet few strong fans of motorbiking. Every year, during Naadam celebrations they ride through streets of Ulaanbaatar waving Mongolian flag and drawing attention of onlookers and crowd. Here some of the pictures of the Mongolian bikers ride on July...

Misleading story on Time Magazine

US Time magazine carried a story " The Neo-Nazis of Mongolia:Swastikas Against China" on its July 24, 2009 issue. The story was written by someone called "Mitch Moxley". Attached picture of the story features "Tse" bar adorned by Nazi leaders portraits and wax...

From the Mongolian Press:Interview with the MPRP Lawmaker on Oyu Tolgoi Investment Agreement

“Unen” newspaper of MPRP (Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party). Dated July 23, 2009. Interview with Davaasuren Tserenpil, MPRP lawmaker. - The Khural transferred the right to execute agreement on Oyu Tolgoi deposit within existing legal framework to Government...

Meaning of name "Mongolia"

There are many speculation about origin of name "Mongol" or "Mongolia". One possible explanation of "Mongol" is "Munkh-Gal" or "Eternal Fire". Here Munkh in Mongolian means "Eternal" and "Gal" mean " Fire". In old Mongolian script, Mongol is spelled "Monggol". Last part of the word or "Gol" means "River" in Mongolian. Therefore, Mongol may mean " Mon...

Parliamentary committee briefing: So far Mongolian government did not apply for a single commercial loan

Enkhbold Zandaakhuu (MDP), Chairman of the Parliamentary standing committee on Security and Foreign Relationship and members of the committee, Ganbyamba Navaasamdan (MPRP), Narankhuu Khalzkhuu (MPRP), held a press conference in Government house yesterday afternoon....

Pictures of famous Korean actors in Mongolia


Korean Entertainers in Mongolia

Korean culture wave is sweeping over urban Mongolia as Korean movies and melodramas and music is getting popular among Mongolians. Korean actress Jang Seo Hee who played Goo Eung Jee in TV drama “ Wife’s temptation” and actor Ahn Jae Mo who played Kim Doo Han...

Mongolian Hairdressing blog

Tuya is a hairdresser who owns and runs hairdressing salon " Tuyarakh" in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. What is unique about her is, she keeps a blog about hairdressing in Mongolian. I don't know many other Mongolian hairdressers who writes blogs. In her blog, you can find pictures about Mongolian hairdressing world and Mongolian celebraties like singer Saraa...

UN Chief Ban Ki Moon to visit Mongolia

According to AFP and Press and Information Service of the Mongolian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, UN Chief Ban Ki Moon to visit Mongolia between 26-28 July. the UN chief is to meet with President Elbegdorj Tsakhia, Prime Minister Bayar Sanj and Foreign...

Mongolian Parliament or State Great Khural took recess starting today and Oyu Tolgoi deal

Mongolian Parliament or State Great Khural took recess starting today until the fall. Last week, the Khural authorized the Government of Mongolia to enter and sign re-negotiation on Oyu Tolgoi, gold and copper resource in South Govi region of Mongolia. Bipartisan lawmakers were very critical of the draft Investment Agreement submitted by the Government....

Mongolia hit by flood;21 people died

21 people died because of flooding, said Amgalanbaatar, Head of the Emergency Management Authority of Mongolia this evening. Heavy downpour today (July 17) throughout Mongolia caused flooding. Hardest hit regions are remote western provinces of Mongolia and capital Ulaanbaatar. In remote western province of Govi-Altai 15 people died. 3 people died...

Government of Mongolia to re-negotiate Oyu Tolgoi Investment Agreement

Many lawmakers recognized complexity of Oyu Tolgoi investment aggreement and decided to transfer the right to enter the investment agreement to Government of Mongolia. Parliament rejected revision of any tax laws that might give tax incentives or stablize tax environment of the Investment Agreement. Previous version of the Investment Agreement had...

Mongolian Parliament passes a resolution authorizing Government of Mongolia to re-negotiate Oyu Tolgoi investment agreement

Mongolian parliament or State Great Khural was unable to come up with approval of the long awaited Oyu Tolgoi investment agreement today. Instead it passed a resolution authorizing Government of Mongolia to enter Investment Agreement. Also parliament agreed to not give any tax stabilization to the investment agreement and recommended "all taxation"...

After Naadam-musings

Every year, it happens.... This year also no exception from this. According to Mongolian news website 17 race horses died and 28 jockey kids received injures of various degrees. One of the jockeys is in critical condition. Mongolian horse race is one of most dangerous horses as jockeys and horse trainers use less safety appliances such...

Genuine Mongolian Barbeque-Pictures


Genuine Mongolian Barbeque-Pictures


Naadam-Mongolian National Holiday

I was away from UB during Naadam holiday as Ulaanbaatar gets very crowded and hot. It is most worthwhile to see and experience Naadam in rural areas rather than in UB. Naadam in UB draws many tourists and has become very commercial and crowded event. Therefore,...

'Man in Mongolia' quits

American Peace Corps volunteer in Mongolia, Brett Campbell who wrote about his experiences in Mongolia for Chronicle Times newspaper of Cherokee, Iowa, USA quits Peace Corps halfway. According to Chronice Times, Brett is saying goodbye to Mongolia due to health reason. He cites " loss of weight by more than 20 pounds, stomach, throat and sinus irritations...

Happy Naadam !!!

On July 11, 12,13, we will celebrate Naadam festival.It is a traditional Mongolian festival of archery,wrestling, horse racing... Wrestling will be held in the central stadium and archery will be held outside the central stadium in its designated area. Horse racing will be held in a place called Hui Doloon Hudag (Seven Wells) about 40 km away from...

Part of a transcription of today's parliamentary hearing on Oyu Tolgoi Investment Agreement

Bayarsaikhan, head of the Economic standing Committee of the Parliament (Democratic party-Umnugovi):"Our committee has formed working group headed by Zandanshatar, the lawmaker and proposed to Government of Mongolia certain changes in the Oyu Tolgoi investment agreement.The working group proposed several appproaches to Government of Mongolia on negotiation...

Lawmakers view on revised OT investment agreement is very critical

As of now ( 6 pm ub time), parliamentary discussion is continuing. Many lawmakers are expressing opinions critical of the current Oyu Tolgoi Agreement.Saikhanbileg Chimed, Democratic party parliamentary group leader asked the lawmakers critical of the agreement " if we chase away Rio Tinto from Mongolia, with whom we are going to deal next??? Chinese...

Is Mongolian Buddhism different than Tibetan Buddhism?

Many people know about Tibetan Dalai Lama. However, many don’t know that Dalai is a Mongolian word meaning ‘ocean’. Lama is a Buddhist monk and teacher. In 1578, Mongolian leader Altan Khan bestowed the title “Dalai Lama” on Sonam Gyatso, Tibetan Buddhist teacher. The 4th Dalai Lama Yonten Gyatso was Mongolian, the only non-Tibetan ever to hold...

Sukhbaatar's Revenge-What???

Mongolia book review: “Mongolia, Empire of the Steppes” travel guide book by Claire Sermier and published by Odyssey Guides in 2002 is a colorful books with many nice photos and illustrations. I got hold of this book recently in 2009 and reading it now. Just came across an unknown disease named after our national hero Sukhbaatar in this book. In...

Heated discussion on Oyu Tolgoi deal is continuing in the Parliament

State Great Khural or Parliamentary hearing on Oyu Tolgoi agreement is being broadcast live on "Sansar" cable TV. Prime Minister Bayar Sanjaa and Minerals Minister Zorigt Dashdorj answering questions from the lawmakers......At the same time, the civic movements " My Mongolia" and " Association of Free Elders" and " Radical Reform" are organizing public...

Mongolian Parliament started hearing of the Oyu Tolgoi Investment Agreement

Today, Mongolian parliament started hearing of the Oyu Tolgoi Investment Agreement. The Investment Agreement includes about 60 revisions after re-negotiating with Ivanhoe Mines.According to this agreement, Mongolian Government to own 34% equity stake and impose 30% Resource Rent Payment. Will update about the hearing throughout the day....Keep tuned....

Wild Horses in Mongolia

National Geographic TV produced a spot on Wild Horse Takhi also known as Przewalski horse.... The spot includes footages shot in Khustai National park where wild takhi horses are successfully reintroduced. They are magnificient animals. Freely roaming the area on their own. Nothing but wind on their back. Free and Wild....

Mongolia and Xinjiang

Zungharian Mongolian state ruled Turkestan through Khojas, aristocratic families of the Uigurs. Still many Mongolians or Torghuts live in Bortal region of the province.Some local names of East Turkestan still retains Mongolian root words. After Mongolia became independent state in 1921, many Mongolians in Turkestan moved to Mongolia.... Bulgan soum...

Xinjiang, traditional homeland of the Mongols ???

Eastern Turkestan or Xinjiang was an area occupied by Western Mongols (Zunghars) in 16th century. Zhunghar was a large, independent Mongolian empire which stretched from Lake Balkhash in the north down to Kashgar, Hami and Barkol.Zunghars was defeated by the...

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