President Ts.Elbegdorj and leaders of multiple nations gathered in Moscow to honor the 65th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War |
On May 9, a celebratory event for the 65th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War was held in the Russian Federation and former Soviet Union countries. Numerous respected foreign top officials were invited to the ceremony, including Tsakhia Elbegdorj, President of Mongolia, Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, Hu Jintao, President of the People’s Republic of China, Shimon Peres, President of Israel, as well as Presidents of Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Czech, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Latvia, Estonia, and Central Asian nations, and T. Jagland, Secretary General of the European Council. President Elbegdorj was accompanied by Defense Minister L. Bold and Foreign Policy Advisor L. Purevsuren. On May 8, the day of his arrival in Moscow, President Elbegdorj visited the Museum of the Great Patriotic War, and met with veterans of the Great Patriotic War at the Embassy of Mongolia in Moscow.
9 was the 65th anniversary of the victory. President Elbegdorj attended the main event of the anniversary, an extensive military Parade on Red Square in Moscow. The march commanded over 10,000 military personnel, and about 300 military techniques, as well as military units from the allied nations of the Second World War such as the USA, Great Britain, France, in addition to former Soviet Union countries. The parade was concluded with the famous Russian song, ‘Deni Pobedy (Day of Victory)’. After attending the Parade at Red Square, the foreign dignitaries walked to Alexandrovsky Garden where a tribute was paid to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. As part of his attendance for the ceremony, President Elbegdorj and Minister of Defense, L. Bold visited the Central Museum for the Victory of the Patriotic War at Poklonnaya Mountain. The Museum is comprised of a number of halls and display rooms including the Hall of Fame of Heroes, the Hall of Tribute to Soldiers, and halls dedicated to the blockade of Leningrad, battle for Stalingrad, Moscow suburb battles, and the battle for Berlin. This is the world’s largest museum with rare documents on World War II. Exhibits and documents associated with Mongolia and the Mongolian people occupy a special place in the Museum. In particular, the Museum deposits the resolution of the joint session of the MPRP Central Committee Chairmen, the Members of the Presidium of the State Baga Khural of the MPR and the Council of People’s Ministers, held on June 22, 1941, the first day Nazi Germany declared war on the USSR. The resolution resolutely condemned and blamed the aggression of German fascists by the USSR and declared that the Mongolian people would ‘Dedicate all to the fronts, all for the victory’. Describing a skin coat, kept in a glass case, Lieutenant General V. I. Zabarovsky, Director of the Museum, said: “The victory of our soldiers in the battle for Moscow which occurred in the fierce winter, was in part thanks to the 15 thousand pieces of skin coats, felt boots and skin gloves that were presented by the Mongolian people”. Many photos displayed in the Museum show the ‘Revolutionary Mongolia’ tank squad and air force escadrille, accepted with gratitude and joy at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. On May 8, President Elbegdorj held a meeting with veterans and paid them his respect. Present at the meeting, were Russian and Mongolian veterans who battled in Khalkh Gol Battle and Patriotic War, state figures who played valuable role in strengthening bilateral friendship in both times of war and peace and current high level officials of Russian armed forces. To open the meeting, Mongolia’s Ambassador to Russian Federation D. Idevkhten said, “This day is a very special day in the history of humanity. That’s why the Victory of the Great Patriotic War was not only a victory for the then Soviet Union, but for all mankind.”
source: The Mongol Messenger" newspaper
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