Mongolians misundersood in Milan, Italy

The Vietnamese referee thought he was being bribed by Mongolians when he was offered information pack including a watch with Mongolian symbols and state emblem.

Mongolian coach which offered the pack thought he was inviting the Vietnamese referee to come to Mongolia next year for World Student Boxing Championship.

When athletes and sportsmen are in a event, they always exchange souvenirs and items from each other. Don't they? Giving small souvenirs from one's country is a common gesture for friendliness.

Why the 20 some Mongolian fans are not allowed to enter stadium? Were they too noisy and lousy? Were they attempting to bribe the referees with the watches?

Here I'm not trying to make you assume that there is no corruption here in Mongolia. You can meet evil officials wanting kickbacks and money everyday here..It is a must for businesses to bribe officials to get various licenses and permits.

Mongolian corruption has no relation to the charges against the Mongolian boxing team allegedly attempted to bribe the Vietnamese referee with a watch.
It is an example of "misunderstood Mongolians".

By Ganbat, reporter of MonInfo News Service


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1 comment:

  1. You posted that you didn't like the foreigners' imported media in your midst, who make bad Idol TV shows.

    You mentioned that Italians didn't like foreigners in their midst, saying foreigners did something bad in their country. And the Italians (actually Vietnamese) are somehow biased against foreigners? All boxers will get old. One former heavy weight champion now is practically retarded. Man's glory is like the flowers of the field, but the word of God stands forever. (1 Peter 1)


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