Mongolian music: Mandah naran (The Rising Sun)-Mongolian folk song

This is a beautiful Mongolian Folk song about LOVE. It is called Mandah naran or Rising sun. Here is the video and lyric of the song.

In Mongolian

Мандаж гардаг наран шингэнэ
Манантайгаа хоёулаа даа хөө
Мартагдашгүй гурван жил болсон болов чиг
Мансуурах нойрондоо хоёулаа даа хөө

Ургаж гардаг наран шингэлээ
Уулын цаагуур орох нь дээ хөө
Уулзахгүй гурван жил болсон болов чиг
Унтах нойрондоо хоёулаа даа хө

Зүүн хойноос үүл нь гарлаа
Зүсэр бороо орох нь дээ хөө
Зүйрлэшгүй гурван жил болсон болов чиг
Зүүд нойрондоо хоёулаа даа хө

In English

The sun which rises sets down
In the fog are two
Unforgettable three years has passed though
In the doped dream the two are still

The sun which rises is setting down
It is going to hide behind the mountains
Without seeing three years has passed though
the two are still in their dream

from the north east there are clouds coming together
the drizzling rain is going to rain
Uncomparable three years has passed though
In their dreamy sleep the two are still


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