Social and economic situation of Mongolia (As of the first 10 months of 2010)

I. Social indicators
In the first 10 months of 2010, the number of live births decreased by 2236 to 55453, the number of mothers
delivered children decreased by 2246 or 3.9 percent to 55244, compared to the same period of the previous
year. In the first 10 months of 2010, child mortality aged 1-5 increased by 101 or 52.9 percent to 292; while
infant mortality decreased by 39 or 3.5 percent to 1083, the number of maternal deaths by 17 or 44.7 percent to 21, compared to the same period of the previous year. The number of unemployed who had registered at Labour and Welfare Service Divisions in aimags and capital city and were actively looking for job reached 40316 at the end of October, 2010, reflecting a increase of 711 persons or 1.8 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year. Compared to the same period of the previous year, the increase in the number of unemployed was mainly due to the increase in Dornod (238 persons), Khentii (267
persons), Dundgovi (280 persons), Khovd (292 persons), Arkhangai (306 persons), Tuv (314 persons), Dornogovi (348 persons) and Zavkhan aimags (947 persons), respectively. 
In the first 10 months of 2010, 532.0 thous.persons were registered as insurer, of which 329.3 thousand or 61.9 percent were those from the establishments, and 202.7 thousand or 38.1 percent from the public administration institutions Total amount of pension allocated from the social insurance fund reached 285.4 bln.tog in the first 10 months of 2010, out of which retirement pension accounted for 73.2 percent, pension for disabled persons 12.9 percent, breadwinner loss pension 7.2 percent, and military pension 6.7 percent...
In the first 10 months of 2010, social welfare pensions and benefits allocated for 55.7 thous.people, showing an decrease of 12.2 thous. people or 18.0 percent compared to the same period of previous year. The total amount of the allocated fund up by 1.2 bln.tog or 5.8 percent. From the beginning of this year, the Human development fund started to allocate 120.0 thous.tog to every citizen and in the first 10 months of 2010, a total of 198.4 bln.tog were distributed to 2.6 mln.people.
In the first 10 months of 2010, the number of infectious disease cases was 32.8 thousand, up by 543 cases or 1.7 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. The increase was mainly due 2312 or 10.1 times increase in the number of persons infected by Enterovirus-71, and 291 persons or 10.1 percent increase in shigellosis, but there was 768 or 49.4 percent decrease in the number of persons infected by varicella, 668 persons or 16.8 percent in syphilis, 662 persons  or 14.3 percent in trichomoniasis, 480 persons or 9.0 percent in viral hepatitis, 373 persons or 7.3 percent in gonococcal infection cases.
In the first 10 months of 2010, 21 persons infected by HIV/AIDS were newly recorded and the total HIV/ AIDS cases reached 83 at the national level. 
In October 2010, 2 HIV/AIDS cases were newly recorded in Ulaanbaatar city. The total number of crimes committed in the first 10 months of 2010 was 16142, reflecting a decrease of 941 crimes or 5.5 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. In the first 10 months of 2010, occurred crimes caused 5726 injuries, and 1108 deaths, down by 1459 persons or 20.3 percent and by 274 persons or 19.8 percent, respectively, compared to the same period of previous year. 
II. Macroeconomic indicators 
The national consumer price index in October, 2010 increased by 0.4 percent compared to the previous month, by 8.7 percent compared to the end of the previous year and 11.3 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, respectively. The increase in national index compared to the previous month was mainly due to 1.6 percent increase in clothing,  footwear and cloth and 1.7 increase in housing, water, electricity and fuels. According to the report of the Bank of Mongolia, money supply (broad money or M2) at the end of October, 2010 reached to 3873.1 bln. tog, reflecting an increase of 21.3 bln. tog or 0.6 percent compared to the end of September 2010, and an increase  of 1202.0 bln.tog or 45.0 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. At the end of October, 2010, currency issued in circulation reached 462.2 bln.tog, demonstrating an increase of 9.6 bln.tog or 2.1 percent compared to the end of September 2010, and 102.6 bln.tog or 28.5 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. Loans outstanding at the end of October, 2010, amounted to 3090.3 bln.tog, up by 4.9 bln.tog or 0.2 percent compared to the end of September 2010, and by 472.3 bln.tog or 18.0 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.
Principals in arrears at the end of October, 2010, reached 78.6 bln. tog reflecting an increase of 2.8 bln. tog or 3.7 percent compared to the end of September 2010, and decrease of 122.2 bln.tog or 60.9 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. At the end of October, 2010, the nonperforming loans over the bank system reached 402.3 bln. tog, showing a decrease of 8.9 bln. tog or 2.2 percent compared to the end of September 2010, and 3.8 bln.tog or 0.9 percent compared to the same period of the previous year

In October, 2010, there were 21 trading days and 9.5 mln.shares valued at 6.2 bln.tog were traded. In the first 10 months of 2010, total revenue and  grants of the General Government Budget amounted to 2348.3 bln. tog and total expenditure and net lending amounted to 2301.2 bln.tog, representing a profit of 47.1 bln.tog in the General Government Budget overall balance. Current revenue of the General Government amounted to 2309.0 bln.tog and current expenditure reached 1701.8 bln.tog in the first 10 months of 2010. Thus, the budget current balance was in profit of 607.1 bln.tog.
Compared to the same period of the previous year, tax revenue increased by 819.6 bln.tog or 65.7 percent. The increase was mainly due to increase of 202.2 bln.tog or 2.7 times in windfall tax on some products, and of 153.4 bln.tog or 96.6 percent in corporate income tax and of 169.6 bln.tog or 63.6 percent in value added tax, and 90.6 bln.tog or 70.2 percent in excise tax. Compared to the same period of the previous year, nontax revenue decreased by 14.9 bln.tog or 5.8 percent, out of which revenues from oil petroleum up by 26.7 bln.tog or 3.5 times and other revenues up by 23.4 bln.tog or 2.9 times, although the revenues from dividends decreased by 79.2 bln.tog or 86.9 percent. Total expenditure and net lending of the General Government Budget increased by 445.6 bln.tog or 24.0 percent to 2301.2 bln.tog in the first 10 months of 2010, compared to the same period of the previous year. This was mainly due to increase of 164.0 bln.tog or 26.1 percent in subsidies and transfers, and 86.9 bln.tog or 31.1 percent in purchase of other goods and services.
Spending of 382.4 bln.tog on capital expenditure in the first 10 months of 2010 was higher by 72.9 bln.tog or 23.5 percent over the same period of the previous year. The increase in capital expenditure was due to an increase of 80.5 bln.tog or 27.7 percent in capital expenditure of domestic sources, although the foreign financed capital expenditure decreased by 7.7 bln.tog or 41.8 percent. In the first 10 months of 2010, Mongolia traded with 127 countries from all over the world and total external trade turnover reached 4809.8
mln.US dollars, of which exports made up 2275.9 mln.US dollars and import made up 2533.9 mln.US dollars. External trade balance in the first 10 months of 2010 showed a deficit of 258.0 mln.US dollars, reflecting an increase of 39.8 mln.US dollars or 18.2 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year. In the first 10 months of 2010, total external trade turnover increased by 1617.8 mln. US dollars or 50.7 percent, of which exports up by 789.0 mln.US dollars or 53.1 percent, and imports up by 828.8 mln.US dollars or 48.6 percent respectively, compared to the same period of the previous year.
In the first 10 months of 2010, mineral products, natural or cultured stones, precious metal, jewelry and textiles & textile articles accounted for 94.7 percent of the total export value amount.
III. Economic sector indicators 
In the first 10 months of 2010, the total industrial output increased by 177.2 bln.tog or 13.2 percent to 1517.4 bln.tog (at 2005 constant prices) compared to the same period of the previous year. The increase in the industrial output was mainly due to 91.3- 32.5 percent increase in main mining and quarring products such as crude oil, and coal; 96.1-46.9 percent increase in manufacturing products such as milk, yogurt, fodder, metal foundries, flour, soft drinks, beer, wine, alcohol, metal construction; and 7.5-2.3 times increase in products such as mutton, goat meat, steel casting, and iron ore. Industrial output (at 2005 constant prices), in the first 10 months of 2010, showed increase in mining of coal and lignite extraction of peat (91.3%), extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas (32.5%) and other mining and quarrying (26.6%) for the mining and quarrying sector; manufacture of rubber and plastics products (60.8%), production of other non-metallic mineral products (36.8%), manufacture of wearing apparel, dressing and dyeing of fur (35.9%), manufacture of food products and beverages (33.7%), manufacture of chemicals and chemical products (31.2%), manufacture of basic metals (30.3%), manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel (29.5%), manufacture of wood and wooden products (25.0%), publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media (12.3%), manufacture of tobacco products (1.3%) for the manufacturing sector compared to the same period of previous year. For the electricity, thermal energy and water supply subdivision, there was an increase in production of electricity, thermal energy, and steam (8.3%). In the first 10 months of 2010, a total of 179.4 bln.tog of construction and installation work were carried out at the national level. Of which, 165.1 bln.tog or 92.0 percent of the work
were executed by domestic entities, and 14.3 bln.tog or 8.0 percent by foreign entities. In the first 10 months of 2010, 2913.8 thous.passengers and 13754.8 thous.t freight (double counting) were carried by railway transport. Compared to the same period of the previous year, the number of carried passengers rose by 214.8 thous.persons or 8.0 percent, the number of carried freight rose by 2258.5 thous.t or 19.6 percent.
 Due to the increase in carried freightand passengers, revenue from railwaytransport increased by 63.3 bln.tog
34.0 percent to 249.6 bln.tog in the first 10 months of 2010, compared to the same period of the previous year. In the first 10 months of 2010, 328.3 thous.passengers and 1370.9 t.freight (double counting) were
carried by air transport. Compared to the same period of the previous year, the number of carried passengers rose by 65.0 thous.persons or 24.7 percent, the number of carried freight rose by 278.0 t or 25.4 percent.
Due to the increase in carried freight and passengers, revenue from air transport increased by 11.5 bln.tog
or 11.9 percent to 108.1 bln.tog in the first 10 months of 2010, compared to the same period of the previous year. The Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology reveals that maximum precipitation was in Ulaangom soum
(33.0 mm) of Uvs aimag in October, 2010. Absolute high air temperature reached 28.0°C in Shinejist soum of Bayankhongor aimag, Khalkhgol soum of Dornod aimag, Zamiin- Uud and Khovsgol soums of Dornogovi aimag, whereas absolute low air temperature was -23.3°C in Tosontsengel soum of Zavkhan aimag. Maximum wind speed reached 24 m/sec in Bugat soum of Govi- Altai aimag. Concentration of nitrogen dioxide exceeded twice around Khan-Uul district of Ulaanbaatar city, 26 times around West crossroad, once around 1st micro district and Kharkhorin market, 16 times around 13th micro district, 10 times around 32-nd Toirog; concentration of sulphur dioxide exceeded 6 times around Khan- Uul district, 15 times around West
crossroad, 4 times around 1st micro district, 8 times around 13th micro district, 20 times around 32nd Toirog,
5 times around the Offitseruudiin ordon, 3 times around Kharkhorin market; particulate matter less than 10
micrograms exceeded 9 times around Khan-Uul district, 24 times around West crossroad, 11 times around
1st and 13th micro district, 23 times around 32-nd Toirog, 13 times around Kharkhorin market; particulate matter less than 2.5 microgramsexceeded 23 times around West crossroad, 7 times around 13th micro district from the maximum allowable concentration of air quality standard in October, 2010. In the first 10 months of 2010, 2488 disasters occurred. As a result, 187 people died, 9.7 mln.livestock had lost. According to the types of disasters 2093 object fires, 98 times forest fires, 26 heavy storms. Estimated damage caused by the disasters amounted to 533.5 bln.tog in the first 10 months, 2010.

                                             National Statistical Office of Mongolia
source: The Mongol Messenger newspaper

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