Mongolian government approves Asian Development Bank loan to improve living condition of slum residents

ULAN BATOR, Oct. 21 (Mon-Info)--According to press service of Mongolian government, during  cabinet meeting held saturday, Mongoilan government approved  loan scheme proposed by Asian Development Bank towards improvement of living condition of slum residents of Ulanbator, capital of Mongolia.

About half of Mongolia’s 2.9 million people or 1.3 million people live in the capital. About 40 percent of the Ulaanbaatar residents live in apartment blocks with proper utility and infrastructure services and 60 percent live in slums known as Ger districts without proper utility and infrastructure services and roads. Most of the low income households live in the slums. 

More and more impoverished rural migrants arrive in Ulanbator everyday  and contributes to expanding poverty of slums.  According to official statistics, population of Ulanbator increased by 6 percent every year as of during last 10 years.

Ger residents have less access to basic services such as education, health care, water and sanitation, information, jobs and other development opportunities than their apartment residents.

ADB proposed to lend $ 224 million dollars towards improvement of the slums by building infrastructure such as water and heating pipelines and roads. This project is expected to be implemented in 3 stages for 10 year period. Mongolian government will also invest $ 96 million dollars for this project as local counterpart.

Now the the loan scheme proposed by ADB will have to be approved by the parliament. Enditem.

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