Mongolia's ambassador to visit IU Bloomington

  • Feb. 20, 2014
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Bulgaa Altangerel, Mongolia's ambassador to the United States, will visit Indiana University Bloomington on Monday, Feb. 24, and present a free, public lecture.
Altangerel will speak on the topic "Socio-Economic Development of Mongolia, Past and Present" at 5:30 p.m. in the Bridgwaters Lounge of the Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center, 275 N. Jordan Ave.
The Mongolia Society, the Inner Asian and Uralic National Resource Center, the Department of Central Eurasian Studies and the Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center are hosting his visit.
Altangerel has a master’s degree in international law and political science and a Ph.D. in international law from Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University in Ukraine. 
He has been his nation's ambassador to the United States since January and also is the nonresident ambassador to Israel and Mexico. He also has served as Mongolia's ambassador to Turkey, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Ireland and Iceland. He represented his country's interests with Bulgaria, Lebanon, Romania and Uzbekistan.
IU is considered one of the world's leading centers of academic expertise in Mongolian studies, and IU'sDepartment of Central Eurasian Studies in the School of Global and International Studies is the sole independent, degree-granting academic unit in the U.S. staffed with its own faculty of specialists in the region. Last year, IU's Kelley School of Business entered into a partnership with the newly formed American University of Mongolia to offer graduate programs.
Visitor parking is available in the Jordan Parking Garage, across the street from the center.

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