Every nation has right to self-determination

The defining feature of human perception of the world is a desire to live freely in peace and quiet without war and strife. This is the deepest desire of all mankind. We are the children of one planet. We have one common home, whose name is Earth. We are members of a common family-humanity. The peoples of the world have different races, different religions, unique culture, traditions customs etc. 

But all the same prayers, fighting for a prosperous peaceful life. Mongolians treasure their national spiritual unity and freedom of belief and religion.

In Mongolia, since of the Genghis Khan, we had no religious conflicts. We Mongolians peacefully coexisted Buddhists, Christians, Muslims. We took this tradition and resumed at democratization of the society.
In today’s world, one of the most frequent negative phenomena that prevent the establishment of universal peace is religious contradictions. Why is this so? At the root, all religions preach spiritual cleansing, humane attitude towards all living things, love for life. It’s tantamount to recognition and confirmation peaceful ideals. Of course, it is impossible not to recognize the role of public policy and religious tenets in the maintenance of peace. 

Both have a huge impact and importance in promoting peace and harmony among peoples. These two factors are interrelated, and thus should be considered on a par with them in order to maintain a healthy atmosphere loyal both in individual countries and in international relations.The Constitution of Mongolia is fixed and sacred principle is observed: “... The State respects religion, and religion honors statehood.”
This is one of the core values of democratic Mongolia to promote universal civilized, peaceful life. Most holy purpose for which all States, all religions, all mankind must unite their efforts, the consolidation of peace and security in the world through peaceful coexistence.  The path of peaceful coexistence, and approved in the practice of international relations entrenched as a result of the collapse of the Cold War and today is the guiding principle of peaceful development. Recognition and observance of this principle is the main lesson of the twentieth century bequeathed us. But unfortunately, this principle is violated in some places increasing the risk of armed clashes. Therefore, the task of reducing restrictions and complete elimination of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, all types of weapons of mass destruction, remains acute, more urgent, urgent.

Mongolia, authority the international community announced its country, non-nuclear area and in 2000 in the Parliament passed a special law about this. This is our initiative has the full support of the leading nuclear powers-permanent members of the UN Security Council. President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbzgdorzh made in 2013 with a new peace initiative on the need for a permanent consultative mechanism to discuss security issues in Northeast Asia. This was followed in Ulaanbaatar, a series of working sessions on various topics with experts and officials concerned countries of our region. More recently, another meeting was devoted to discussion of problems of energetic supply in the region. There are presence representatives from Russia, China, the two Koreas and Mongolia. This cycle will continue.


I’m sure that our friendly Ukrainian people in this critical situation will be able to summon the courage to overcome all difficulties and obstacles in the peaceful settlement of internal conflicts. Of course, it’s a not easy. The situation requires fine judgment insight, foresight and consideration of the international dimension around the created reality in their country. No one has the right to convert Ukrainian incident into an international scandal, bring the matter before the armed clash the war. Every nation has the right to self-determination. Let no one hurt Ukrainian peoples follow this principle and to solve their problems at home.
I’m sure that our friendly Ukrainian people in this critical situation will be able to summon the courage to overcome all difficulties and obstacles in the peaceful settlement of internal conflicts. Of course, it’s a not easy. The situation requires fine judgment insight, foresight and consideration of the international dimension around the created reality in their country. No one has the right to convert Ukrainian incident into an international scandal, bring the matter before the armed clash the war.

Every nation has the right to self-determination. This is recognized democratic principles are respected in the world. Let no one hurt Ukrainian peoples follow this principle and to solve their problems at home.

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