Hungary can help Mongolia in water management and farm development, President János Áder said at a press conference held with his counterpart Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj. Áder noted Mongolia’s rich resources in gold, uranium and wolfram set against a lack of quality water which is needed for the growing population, as well as mining and intensive farming, which brings in most export revenues for the country.
Hungarian experts may in future help to protect Mongolia’s water resources, produce quality drinking water and upgrade the existing network of pipes and canals, he added. Mongolia has demonstrated spectacular economic growth since 1990, János Áder noted, adding that Hungary could also help Mongolia further modernise its economy by contributing to livestock improvement, the development of food safety registration systems, the introduction of European standards and in setting up slaughterhouses that meet international requirements, he added.
After their talks, both presidents welcomed Hungary’s plan to re-open its embassy in Mongolia. Elbegdorj highlighted increased cooperation in education. Now one hundred Mongolian students can receive free tuition in Hungary, up from 15 in the past. Elbegdorj noted that he had visited Hungary last year. Áder also held talks with Prime Minister Chimediin Saikhanbileg and speaker of the State Great Khural Zandaakhuugiin Enkhbold.
via photo: Noémi Bruzák – MTI

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