Controversial environmental activist released from prison in Mongolia under amnesty law

ULAANBAATAR, Nov 06 (MonInfo) – Controversial environmental activist and 2007 winner of international environmental “Goldman  Prize” Munkhbayar Tsetsgee released today from prison in Mongolia under amnesty law passed by parliament last week.
Munkhbayar was serving 22 years jail sentence since January, 2014.He was arrested by Mongolian police in Sept, 2013 when he was protesting revision of the law banning mining operations near water sources and forestry. Police said Munkhbayar brought weapons and explosives when he was protesting outside the government house and tried to enter it by force and shot at air. Munkhbayar claimed gun was accidently misfired during the protest.
The former herder and community activist began to use violence and other controversial methods such as shooting at machinery and equipment of mining companies when protesting against mining companies on behalf of local herders and residents. He was head of grassroot community movement " Ongi River movement" and board member of "Fire Nation" coalition of several grassroot movements.
In 2011, he shot arrows as head of group of horsemen at Mongolian government house demanding to hold nationwide referendum on conducting parliamentary election without participation of political parties.
After his release Munkhbayar went to his native home in Saikhan-Ovoo soum of Dundgobi aimag.
Under the amnesty law passed by Mongolian parliament last week, about 2500 convicts have been released from Mongolian prisons. Enditem.

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