Archaeologists Find 1,500-Year-Old Mummy Wearing Adidas Boots

Mongolia Mummy
Could the cutting edge trainers on this Mongolian model be proof of time travel? Picture: Khovd Museum

This mummy from Mongolia had great kicks. When a group of archaeologists unwrapped the remains of a 1,500-year-old mummy, they found that the ancient human was buried wearing a pair of boots with a design that somehow resembles the Adidas logo.
The pair of boots they found were well-preserved along with other items. The excavation of the mummy's grave unearthed several possessions such as a clay vase, a saddle, pillows, a trough, a bridle, an iron kettle, a wooden bowl, four 'dool' (ancient Mongolian clothes) and the carcass of a whole horse.
The archaeologists also found a sheep's head, a felt bag that contained a sheep's entire back, a leather bag intended to carry a cup and several goat bones.
The recent find is considered the very first complete set of Turkik burial remains discovered in Central Asia.
"It is the first complete Turkik burial at least in Mongolia - and probably in all Central Asia. This is a very rare phenomenon. These finds show us the beliefs and rituals of Turkiks,"said Khovd Museum researcher B. Sukhbaatar, as reported by the Siberian Times.
The horse found in the grave was "deliberately sacrificed," added Sukhbaatar, who theorized the mare was between 4 and 8 years old.
Based on the material possession they found in the grave, which included cotton dools, sheep wool, camel wool and a hat, experts said the mummy was buried around the 6th century A.D.
The objects in the grave gave researchers a glimpse into the lives of the native Turks who lived in ancient Mongolia, and further investigations will reveal more about this group of ancient humans. The archaeologists theorized that the group consisted of skilled craftsmen.
The archaeologists believed the mummy was not an elite. The initial investigation suggested it was likely the mummy was a woman because they found no bow in the grave. More information will come to light after a complete analysis of the Turkik burial find.
Local herdsmen found the burial site and alerted a team of archaeologists from the Khovd Museum. Located 2,803 meters (9,196 feet) above sea level in cold weather conditions, the 3-meter deep burial site helped preserve the mummy and the possessions.


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