Mongolia: Extreme Winter Condition (MDRMN005) Emergency appeal operations update n° 4

Appeal history:
  • IFRC allocated CHF 158,459 from DREF on 15 January 2016 to support MRCS in provision of food and unconditional cash grants for 1,500 households affected by dzud, and the mobilization and deployment of 13 NDRT members and one RDRT member.
  • The emergency appeal was launched on 29 February 2016 for CHF 833,415 to assist 25,500 people (5,100 households) affected by dzud disaster, for a period of 12 months, with a focus on detailed assessment, food security, nutrition and livelihoods, community preparedness and risk reduction. See emergency appeal.
  • An operation update (no. 1) was issued on 31 March 2016 to provide overview of the progress made since the allocation of CHF 158,459 from IFRC’s Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) on 14 January 2016 (covering the period until 15 March) – which was followed by the launch of the emergency appeal operation. The main focus of MRCS during this period has been on assessments, procurement of food items and distribution of food to households in need. A total of 1,500 vulnerable herder households (7,500 people) were assisted.
  • An operations update (no. 2) was issued on 13 June 2016 to provide a progress update of the operation since the previous update (16 March to 30 April 2016). During the reporting period a total of 1,767 households (8,835 people) were assisted.
  • revised emergency appeal was issued on 20 July 2016, with an increase in number of people to be reached (from 25,500 to 35,000 people ), an increase in activities, slight increase in budget (from CHF 833,945 to CHF 979,346); and refocused geographic scope (from 20 to 17 provinces).
  • Six-months summary update (no. 3) issued on 27 August 2016 to provide consolidated information on the first six months of the operation.
This is the fourth operation update to report on the progress of implementation up to end of December 2016 and largely reflects that all planned outputs under this operation are completed except for some monitoring activities and the final evaluation.

Source: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

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