Follow up story about arrest of corrupt officials at Ministry of Natural Environment and Tourism

Yesterday, we reported about arrest of 3  officials of Ministry of Natural Environment and Tourism arrested by Anti-corruption agents in the act of receiving bribery.

Now more information about the arrest have been coming out. It appears D.Davaasamba, chief of Environment and Natural resources management department, S.Bayarkhuu, specialist of this department, P.Bunchinjav, chief of Evaluation and Auditing department of the ministry arrested for allegedly receiving bribe from an owner of company. 

It is disclosed that Davaasamba received 150 million tugrug and S.Bayarkhuu 40 million tugrug  from that company for permit to export 600 tons of pine nuts to China.

The case may drag current Minister of Natural Environment and Tourism Mrs.Oyunkhorol who appointed Davaasamba last year as head of this important department in charge of implementation of mitigation of environmental degradation, pollution, appropriate use, protection and rehabilitation of natural resources. 
In addition, the department was responsible for issuing licenses and permits for companies to hunt rare wild life and cut timber, pick fruits and nuts.

D.Davaasamba was working as parliamentary election campaign manager of the Minister before his appointment.

Several sources said the three are suspected of receiving bribes from Chinese businesses that export pine nuts. 
Allegedly, police department of Bayangol district of Ulaanbaatar transferred one case related to a Chinese citizen to Investigation department of Independent agency against corruption (IAAC).

Everything started from complaint filed by that citizen that claimed he was cheated of his large sum of money (about 1 billion tugrug or $ 403,063.00 US) while trying to get permit to export pine nuts. The police considered as case of corruption and transferred it to IAAC.

Based on this lead, the anti-corruption agents began to monitor the suspected officials and then nabbed them in the act this week.
Davaasamba, allegedly nabbed by anti-corruption agents in the act of receiving bribe for permit

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