Mongolia open to Russia building gas pipeline through its territory to China

Mongolia is interested in letting Russia build a pipeline to China through their territory, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“We generally support the idea. But, of course, as always in such cases, you need to thoroughly work out the feasibility,” Putin said during a trilateral meeting with the heads of the People’s Republic of China and Mongolia in Qingdao, China.
Mongolia has been offering its territory for transit of Russian gas to China for a number of years, pointing to security and length of the way. Meanwhile, all the ways of supplying gas to China discussed and implemented by Russia’s Gazprom are direct pipelines from Russia to China without transit states from Blagoveshchensk, Vladivostok, and Altai.
Russia is China’s largest supplier of oil, while the latter is the largest buyer in the world. “Last year, we supplied more than 50 million tons of oil. By April, this number increased by another 26 percent,” the Russian president said at a press conference in Beijing after meeting China’s president, Xi Jinping.
Work on the construction of the Eastern Route pipeline from Russia to China is on schedule, and companies from both countries are participating at Russia’s $27 billion LNG plant in Yamal, Putin added.

Source:Russia Today 

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