Rare Gobi bear-Mazaalai has been spotted drinking water from water well in Mongolia because of drought

Gobi bear known as Mazaalai has been spotted in desolate desert in Western Mongolia, according to Mongolian social media.

Several pictures of Gobi bear at a water well in a place called Muhariin Khudag, Khongor tolgoi, Bayanbuural bagh, Delger county of Gobi-Altai province on June 7, 2018 was posted on facebook.

The pictures show a lone Gobi bear hanging around a water well and drinking water. The pictures show the bear is not that emancipated considering current almost  drought like situation in Mongolia.

No rain has fallen in Mongolia until now. If this continues, drought is expected this summer. This means, no grass for the livestock animals and no wheat and basic vegetables such as potato, carrots, cabbages will grow.

Most likely this bear is forced to come to water well because there is no other water source or spring in his habitat. 

Mazaalai is almost on edge of extinction and mostly habitat  Gobi areas of Mongolia and People's Republic of China.

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